
History Of National History Day District Competition

Decent Essays

Oh, have I caught your attention? Obviously, I did, with such an eye-catching blog post title like that. Apparently Marc Gamayo beat me to a blog post of National History Day District competition (I should have done it early, aaaaa) that took place at Ewa Makai Middle School where participants would be interviewed for their projects and to know who are going to state competition. Warning! Super long schedule of what I did on Saturday for NHD district competition. Skip to end for a recap of what I did and thoughts from the experience. For my group 's interview, Quincee and me (yes, sadly there was no Jacob), to my surprise, went well. I say this because I can say that I was prepared and there was little to no hesitation in answering or responding to my interview, making a good impression; however, my partner only spoke once and that was due to not being able to hear our speaker and the eye contact confused him (Quincee). After the interview, there wasn 't much to do since our interview finished at about 9:07 or so and there were no available activities, so we (Quincee and me) explored the campus a bit more, and I have to say I 'm impressed; the campus was more complex, the campus displayed wise students, and had air-conditioning that was spread to pretty much every area (except the bathroom), so sorry, (I 'm gonna get hate from this) I think our school is inferior to this school. After exploring, it was about 9:35 and we headed back to the cafeteria for some reason I don

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