
History Final

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History Final

Chapter 5. 10. The peoples who the greatest influence upon Republican Rome were the A. Greeks. B. Etruscans. C. Latins. D. Carthaginians.

Chapter 12. 3. Charlemagne’s Carolingian Empire accomplished all of the following except A. it depended upon the allegiance of courts who ruled for the monarch in local areas. B. it encompassed much of western and central Europe. C. it restored an urban economy based upon the use of money. D. it symbolized the fusion of Roman, German, and Christian elements which would make up medieval civilization in Europe.

Chapter 3. 24. The terra-cotta figures near the Qin First Emperor’s burial mound demonstrate the A. freeing of the individual soul under the …show more content…

C. had its major trading center on the island of Crete. D. was destroyed by the Ionian Greeks.

Chapter 3. 4. In early China, it was believed that the universe was divided between two primary forces, A. the sun as the yin and the moon as the yang. B. heaven as the yuan and earth as the tang. C. the sun as the tin and the moon as the yin. D. the sun as the yang and the moon as the yin.

Chapter 4. 13. The Greeks decisively defeated the Persians A. at the pass of Thermopylae. B. near Delphi. C. at Euboa. D. near the island of Salamis.

Chapter 12. 18. The Black Death A. was spread by fleas carrying Yersinia petis. B. had been an ongoing problem in Europe since the late Roman Empire. C. killed ninety-five percent of its victims in urban areas. D. had no religious implications.

Chapter 2. 6. On a practical level, reincarnation A. provided hope for the lower class. B. prevented the assimilation of the poor into Indian society. C. destroyed the caste system. D. weakened the authority of Jainism. E. did all of these things except weaken the authority of Jainism.

Chapter 2. 13. The two major cities of the Harappan civilization A. were both located near the Indian Ocean coast. B. were Gujarat and Panini. C. were established on the bank of the Ganges River. D. contained, in the city of Mohenjo-Daro, a pool that was apparently used in ceremonies of purification.


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