
Holes, By Louis Sachar: A Literary Analysis

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Being a friend shows that you care for others. This theme is based on two different stories, The Lion And The Mouse, by Rob John, and Holes, By Louis Sachar. In both stories, the characters have strong friendships. They took risks, sacrifices, and thoughtful thinking to be what they are now. Showing that you care makes a true friendship.
In the short story The Lion And The Mouse, the theme is that if you are friend to others, it shows that you care. For example, when the Lion and the Mouse had just met, the Mouse told the Lion that he would help him in the future. Not many days later when the mouse was walking in the woods, he saw the Lion tangled up in a hunter's net. The Mouse hesitated for a moment, thinking about turning back, but then he remembered what he had said about helping the Lion. He decided to help him. This proves that the Mouse stuck to his word. That same day and time, the mouse was saving the lion by biting through the ropes. Soon enough, he freed the Lion. The Mouse could have been caught breaking loose the Lion. Not many people would take a risk that big to save a friend, especially one that he had just met. After that, the Lion said “you don’t have to be big to be a big …show more content…

He said to Zero that there is a hot fudge sundae at the top of where they needed to go. It requires a strong friend to comfort someone him in that situation. Even Stanely needed to be motivated but instead he does it to someone else. After that, when Zero could not walk anymore, Stanley put him over his right shoulder and carried him up the hill. Stanley is a good enough friend to take on more work so that his friend could be with him at the top. He could've left Zero in the heat, but instead he saved his life. What would you do? As you can see, these characters are friends to one and other which shows that they care about each

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