
Holocaust Museum Research Paper

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The Jewish faith is not a race; it is a religion. However, Hitler talked as if they Jews were a race of people that ruined Germanys greatness. He blamed everything on the Jewish people. He taught a message of hate ant anti-Semitism, that many people foolishly went along with. Today, I find myself wondering how can people be so blind. Then I glance through history and notice how much history repeats itself. And looking at the current state that were in, I can’t help but think of how can people be so blind. During WW2, money was no longer worth anything. People started burning money to keep warm. It had become as though the paper that the money was printed on, was more valuable than the money itself. People around the globe were suffering not just economically, but through great illness as well. This war ripped the world apart. And I can’t help but ask myself if this is possible to happened once again.
For a long time, I believe this one fact to be just a rumor. And the visit to …show more content…

The one thing that I wish they would implement to their museum to make it more interesting is to add more Holocaustic casted models. I got this idea by visiting the African American museum. And what set them apart was that they had a whole set of statue models on display to place a person in that mindset of being there. If the Holocaust museum would issue more life-like cast, then I think people will feel more engaged in the tour. In the African American museum, I remember the faces on the life-like models. The faces with looks of confusions, fear, and sometimes happiness. I think by adding this would bring a whole new element to the Holocaust museum. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the opportunity. I do plan on returning in the near future. Maybe not to that museum in particular, but a more official museum like the ones in Germany. I plan on traveling across the world one day, and visiting the Holocaust museum in Aw>>> is defiantly on my

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