Homeland Security Enterprise The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a major and challenging responsibility to play in the acquisition of the most important and incorporated endeavor in the management of the different and difficult set of risks faced in the United States (Stewart, Ellingwood, & Mueller, 2011). According to Moteff, and Library of Congress (2004) the Homeland Security Act of 2002, and other documents of administration have assigned the Homeland Security department various duties that are associated with coordinating the efforts of the nation to protect its critical infrastructure. In the contemporary world, the environment is facing some tough requirements, and challenges that need and require immediate attention. DHS …show more content…
The Department of Homeland Security Enterprise identifies an enormous value in risk management. This is because its core role is to investigate and hold up every single operation done by the particular department. The process assists in the prevention, protection, mitigation and response to, as well as recovery from the risks to the Nation. So as to identify the effectiveness of the risk management process, the DHS must collaborate with their allies within the enterprise. Another role of the department is to set up an incorporated risk management through the generation of safety, security, and resilience across the domains. This takes place through the collaborative efforts to put off violence and boost security, safety, and efficient management of the national …show more content…
The process is an obligation since the DHS functions in collaboration with different associates in a similar mission (Friedman, 2011). The other units need the capacity to work and operate on ordinary basis and typical working actions. Through the possession of a consistent process, the distribution of information and the examination assists in the decision-making technique. The DHS’s risk management process comprises of the following: The description of the framework, the identification of the likely threats, the evaluation, and the investigation of the identified risk. Useful information of characterizing the threat may originate from the intelligence community specialists, past incidents, law enforcement, or received threats (Moteff & Library of Congress, 2004). There is also the development of options, decisions, and implementation of the alternatives, and examination and scrutiny of the outcome. The effortless and customary management process is only the commencement of a high-quality self-reliant risk management process (Kiltz, 2011). The Homeland Security Enterprise also has to communicate with many agencies in order to be certain that this process keeps on being
The Homeland Security Division was formed in the wake of terrorist attacks and implemented by President Bush after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States. This policy was formed to place a national policy into place for Federal departments and local agencies to identify and protect the United States from additional terrorist attacks. What many don’t know is that this plan defines orders and roles for local state and governmental agencies as well, in order to carry out the goal. I will explain how six sub-groups come together to form the Department of Homeland Security’s one enterprise operation.
When conducting a homeland security assessment being thorough is of utmost importance. Organizations are multifaceted and as such, require examination in many different areas of day-to-day operations. Homeland security concerns are seemingly innumerable, with new threats emerging almost daily. For an organization to be effectively prepared to deal with these threats, everyone from the highest leadership to entry level employees must be involved in the organization’s homeland security initiatives (Fisher, n.d.). This is true of both public sector entities such as law enforcement agencies, as well as private sector corporations.
The essence of Homeland Security is “Preparation for an attack that could come at any time, affect any number of targets, and result in casualties and damage to people and national infrastructure” (Gaines & Worrall, 2012) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created through the integration of all or part of 22 different Federal departments and agencies into a unified, integrated Department, creating a strengthened homeland security enterprise and a more secure America that is better equipped to confront the range of threats we face. A 2011
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is third largest Executive Department of the Federal Government charged with protecting the security of American homeland. Its primary mission is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing vulnerability to terrorism and minimizing the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters. The DHS was created by President G.W. Bush in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on America in 2001. It is relatively new agency that continues to evolve in the 21st century. In my chosen topic I will perform research on the history and creation of Department of Homeland Security, identify 3 of the 22 agencies within the DHS and describe their responsibilities. The purpose of this paper is to define and give detailed information about Homeland Security in the United States. Exploration of this topic will enhance knowledge about DHS and help understand the responsibilities of the agencies.
If we are going to improve the future of the homeland security system, we have to stay one step ahead. We have to do our best at predicting where the enemy is going to be. We have to realize where our greatest vulnerabilities are. We have to constantly evaluate our system, and try to prioritize how are defensive assets are
As we move into a new era were a more robust and urgent homeland security program is needed, it is important to talk about how officials are managing all of the risk. There are a multitude of threats; from terrorism, where tactics are all the more unconventional an unpredictable, to climate change, with extreme weather conditions causing severe droughts or other catastrophic storms. The risk accepted by federal officials must be weighed and prioritized in a manner that is conducive to the longevity of the nation but also eliminates political or other personal agenda. To ensure a standardized approach the Department of Homeland Security adopted a risk management. The following will look at defining what risk management is as well as an example of how it is being incorporated within the homeland security enterprise and how doing so is of benefit.
After the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States, a series of risk management evaluations were created by the US Federal Government to assess the future risks the homeland was going to face. When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was officially created in 2002, more effective risk management assessments were re-designed to evaluate the past and present dangers, prevent them and respond successfully to more terrorist attacks. Since 2001 until 2007, a development of risk assessment has been divided in phases to be able to reach a better formula that would analyze the risk within the homeland security and provide the appropriate fund to homeland security enterprise.
The homeland security is a department responsible for developing various mechanisms aimed at ensuring that the country is safe. The main focus of homeland security is to shield or reduce the cases of terror attacks. The prevention and response to both manmade and natural disasters also fall under homeland security (McElreath, Jensen, and Wigginton, 10). The Department of Homeland Security, therefore, has a broad range of responsibilities. At its formation in 2003, the department was composed of twenty-two federal agencies with over 180,000 employees. Homeland security’s formation was necessitated by the September 11th attacks in United States. Today, the Department of Homeland Security
After the attacks on September 11th, 2001 the United States was forced to reassess its policies over the defense of the country within its borders. Until that time the United States’ homeland security was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice (Masse, O’Neil, & Rollins, 2007). After the attack the Executive branch of the government created a new organization that would be responsible for deciding where the biggest threats to the country were. This was the birth of the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for assessing all risk to the Nation within its borders and developing way to mitigate these threats before a disaster can take place. One of the documents that the Department of
Since the last major terrorist casualty, the Department of Homeland Security has been investing billions of dollars every year (Office of Management and Budget, 2010) in order to facilitate the access of local law enforcement agencies to elaborate the necessary standard operating plans, training skills, risk assessments, response plans, and periodically update of mutual aid agreements. While the operational priorities are set up, the administration of the aforementioned funds do not necessary respond to equality formulas of disbursement after jurisdictional size have not been a determinant for the perceived status of risk probability. The financial allocation of funds is directed towards the highest risk entities even if their jurisdiction does not surpass more crowded jurisdictions (Randol, 2012, p. 307). Evidence of cooperation from
1. The Homeland Security Act of 2002 reduces the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism.
A safe homeland is the country’s first main concern and is important to the successful implementation of its military policy. The United States military will persist to play a critical part in safeguarding the homeland because of military missions overseas and by implementing homeland defense and civil support duties and maintaining emergency preparedness planning actions. Though, it is important to realize the difference involving the part the Department of Defense (DOD) plays with regard to national security and the part Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as lead federal agency (LFA) for Homeland Security (HLS), as outlined in the National Strategy for Homeland Security. With this example in mind, this defines the tactic appropriate
After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 security became a major concern for citizens and of course lawmakers. Unsure of what could happen next we were all afraid. Homeland Security encompasses policies, laws, organizations, and procedures designed to protect the rights and freedoms inherent in the US Constitution. Homeland defense which is sometime interchanged with Homeland Security deals with extra-territorial threats and preemptive operations (Parons & Oja, 51). Governments in many countries are devoting significant resources to combat this growing threat. In the United Stats, the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS is responsible for reducing America?s vulnerability to
The ability of the Department of Homeland Security to effectively manage risk is vital to national security. Risk in general, is something that is permanent but because this is known, strategies can be used to mitigate situations as they present themselves. Government managers must manage risk in a complex environment taking into consideration the diverse missions and multiple objectives of public agencies (Hardy, 2014). The role of risk management within the homeland security enterprise was managed by best and worst case scenario planning. This is something that is inevitable as we are faced within a definite variety of threats. One way to grade or rank threats is through worst-case analysis. As this analysis can be used for worst-case scenarios the federal government cannot leave out lower ranking situations (Roberts, 2007). Since the Department of Homeland Security is charged with managing risk within the enterprise, a basic equation is used to help figure out different variables and how they would be affected.
The purpose of this paper is to define and give as much detail information about Homeland Security in the United States and law enforcement and how they are integrated. I hope after reading this paper you will be well informed on the duties and responsibilities of these agencies. People have always lived in fear but with the help of these agencies we will no longer have to live in fear. I will try to give as much detail information as possible to help with any problems or situation that might come up. Homeland Security in the United States and law enforcement have extensive research skills and knowledge in serving and protecting citizens and other important groups and agencies. Homeland