Now that we have completed our assessment process, how do we take all of the received information and develop it into a plan, along with a budget? Fisher did a very eloquent job in demonstrating how to do just that. As with any plan, one must first develop a vision statement followed by a mission statement of their organization. In this case, we are focusing our attention on developing a homeland security initiative, therefore that is where our focus will lie. Once we have developed our statements, we then progress forward to the centrifuge of the planning process. As with any plan, we must set out a desired outcome. A desired outcome is a statement in which we are going to attempt to achieve. In this case, we are looking at developing a …show more content…
If you step back and think about any organization, it must have customers in order to stay in business. Additionally, when thinking of homeland security initiatives, we must place a large amount of money here in ensuring that we are aligning ourselves with the industry standards, if not above them. It is here where our planning must include for the worst case scenario. What if we had to pack up and relocate to another local due to an emergency? Would we have the plan in place to do so? These are key questions that must be answered. The State Government organization that I am employed with oversees foster care children. Anytime that there is severe weather in our immediate areas, we have an emergency plan of action in plan to ensure that not only foster youth are safe, but employees and other families that we serve. This was evident when the wildfires struck East Tennessee a few months ago. Our agency learned of some key deficits that we struggled with during this particular emergency. From this incident, we learned of ways that we needed to improve but also drew upon our
After the September 11 terrorist attacks, the United States and other developed countries changed their assumed view of the threat from terrorism. Massive amount of resources were mobilized in a very short time to counter the perceived and actual threat from terrorists and terrorist organizations. In the U.S., this change was pushed as a necessity for what was called "Homeland Security”. It went through the enactment of hundreds of statutes and regulations, substantial changes in policy initiatives, the most massive governmental reorganization since 1947, and brought the new business of homeland security to the face of American awareness. Soon after the terrorist attacks, Congress passed various new laws and enhanced some existing ones
I choose the H.R.595 Homeland Security: Mail Initiative Act sponsored by California Representative Jackie Speier.This bill was just introduced to the house in late May of 2017 and has not been passed yet. It calls for an option under the Secure Mail Initiative to give a sender the opportunity to select for the United States Postal Service to Hold for Pickup or a signature confirmation from the receiver. This bill has been requested to give the sender more direct say in how they wish their package to be delivered.
Planning ties with one of the National Preparedness Goal’s mission area, that is prevention. The 9/11 events made DHS to aggressively change its focus to an “all hazards” approach. Prevention is a core component to accomplish this objective. However, for an effective prevention requires thorough planning. The private sector provides this type of service and DHS may hire a private sector entity to develop a prevention plan for them. In planning, all levels of government and private sector entities must coordinate with one another in developing and executing courses of action to prevent or reduce the impact of natural disasters or terrorist attack (Homeland Security, 2011). According to the National Preparedness Goal, planning is one of the mission are capabilities and preliminary targets of prevention (Homeland Security, 2011, p. 5). The private sector’s impact in planning with the DHS is essential for an effective prevention in support of the National Preparedness
The United States Department of Homeland Security also known as the DHS is a federal agency designed to protect the United States against threats. Its responsible for keeping and ensuring the safety and security of the nation from terrorist attacks and other disasters. The DHS has three independent branches consisting of the United states citizenship and immigration services which are to advance national security, to wipe out migration case overabundances, and to enhance client administrations.There is also the Federal Emergency Management Agency also knows as FEMA is to facilitate the reaction to a calamity that has happened in the United States and that overpowers the assets of neighborhood and state experts. The legislative head of the state
The question that has been asked; given the amount of money spent on homeland security programs and practices, how should the United States measure the effectiveness of this spending? This question has been answered time and time again by the different agencies that fall underneath the department of Homeland Security. Since the creation of this department, in the shadow of the 9-11 attacks by the Al Qaida terrorist group in the United States, The Department of Homeland Security has stopped numerous attacks from occurring, seized countless amounts of contraband (drugs, weapons, forged currency, illegal good and persons) from violating the sovereignty of the United States and therefore protecting the people of this nation and the national
George Washington University is the number only University who offered a program that spoke to my interest. I am applying to the Master of Professional Studies in Security and Safety Leadership because I believe my analytical and critical thinking skills will be enhanced and the program expectations will be higher than in my to think effectively and efficiently. I believe that this program will provide me with the competencies to manage and succeed in the Homeland Security field. This program will provide me with the proper knowledge and skills I would need to excel in Criminal Justice.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was formed more than a decade ago with a very significant mission of safeguarding America's homeland from hazards, threats, and national disasters. This department conducts its mission through securing the country's borders, preventing terror attacks, and responding to incidents or threats to its citizens (Miller, n.d.). Generally, the most important roles of the Department of Homeland Security are to lead a concerted national effort in securing the United States and preserving the American way of life. The department was established in 2002 in reaction to the 9/11 terror attacks and has since developed a nationwide strategic plan for evaluating and updating its mission statement and effectiveness of operations. These plans can be updated and transformed to accomplish the needs of the Department for Homeland Security and the American people.
When it comes to the protection and mitigating of any structure or organization risk analysis and vulnerability assessments must be conducts so as to know what’s to be protected, the threats manmade or natural disaster, ranking the potential of threat as well as the probability. In terms of critical infrastructure the risk analysis and vulnerability assessment has guidelines from Homeland Security Presidential Directive Number 7(HSPD-7).
It is impossible for any organization to stay current on their homeland security preparedness efforts without including a plan for the future. Key questions to ask during this part of the assessment include: Who will be involved in the development of the organization’s homeland security planning? How will the organization’s homeland security efforts develop to meet newly emerging threats? Key areas that must be considered in an organization’s planning include: the needs of the customer, technological advancement to meet newly emerging threats, how to increase the organization’s strengths and diminish its weaknesses, and financial concerns such as budgeting for homeland security
To begin, I choose to do my discussion board on the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs. According to the Introduction to Homeland Security, "this office is the primary point of contact with other government agencies at all government levels including federal, state, local, and tribal governments, integrating the work of the department with that of each of these other entities in their national security efforts.
In the recent times, a lot of attention has been put into diverting the role of law and leadership enforcement to life and property protection from a large number of external and internal dangers. Homeland security strategy mentions that, on the neighborhood level, data and information gathering, coordination with state and government organizations, foundation insurance, and upgraded advancement of police-group connections will encourage aversion, furthermore, help reaction to potential terrorist attacks. On the other hand, the oddity of ideas under the Homeland Security worldview can be at any rate somewhat followed to the model of community policing (Stewart & Morris, 2009). In reality, it can be securely contended that for policing, homeland security obligations arrived all of a sudden as a solitary substitute to the strength of community policing.
The security of the United States and living without being under a constant threat should be very important to all citizens and those who visit this country. The research revealed some interesting facts, it is impossible to secure every commercial building, airport, bridge, bypass, and government building. One element of the security is that terrorists will not have the ability to attack every place in the United States. However, everything is a possible target and terrorists want to do as damage as possible and cause the greatest amount of disruption in our way of life as possible.
The first event that gave rise to the new extremist right was the Brady Bill which limited gun ownership after Brady Bill, Reagan’s press secretary, was shot and disabled (White, 316). The extremist right prayed on gun control fears. The second event was the botched arrest of Randy Weaver by the U.S. Marshals (White 2014, 316). There was a lot of blood shed including a U.S. Marshal, Weaver’s pregnant wife and son. The federal siege of the Branch Davidian was the final turning point in the resurgence of the extremist right (White 2014, 316). The siege was an utter failure and many lives were lost in the process. These events become symbols for the right extremists as public fear grew and their cause was furthered.
The University of Southern California objectives were achieved by finding out that "the USC team will continue to stand ready to use our suite of tools to provide DHS with rapid turnaround estimates of economic consequences for special requests” (Center, 2016b, para 2). The University of Southern California will also continue to provide training to the DHS staff. The University of Texas A&M research is still ongoing as we speak. When it comes the objectives of helping the strategic plan they have achieved their objective by enhancing the training program for the Emergency Management team and making sure that the plan for the team is working as smooth as
The purpose of this paper is to define and give as much detail information about Homeland Security in the United States and law enforcement and how they are integrated. I hope after reading this paper you will be well informed on the duties and responsibilities of these agencies. People have always lived in fear but with the help of these agencies we will no longer have to live in fear. I will try to give as much detail information as possible to help with any problems or situation that might come up. Homeland Security in the United States and law enforcement have extensive research skills and knowledge in serving and protecting citizens and other important groups and agencies. Homeland