
Homelessness Essay

Decent Essays

Homelessness is a widespread epidemic throughout the United States. This epidemic doesn’t limit itself to the stereotypes such as race, religion, or financial status. According to Sweets (2011), “there are more than 3.5 million homeless Americans each year within the United States”. Many of these individuals are victims of life-altering events. Homelessness is a solvable problem with the right resources, programs, and funding in place. Some effective ways to address the problem of homelessness are to create affordable housing programs, provide excellent quality health care along with rehabilitation and job training.
There are many contributing factors to homelessness in the United States, however, there are numerous programs that have …show more content…

There are numerous fees that come along with trying to replace driver’s licenses and birth certificates that the homeless just simply can’t afford. In many states, to request a new birth certificate, you must have a driver’s license and to request a new driver’s license you must have a birth certificate. It’s a vicious cycle that leaves millions of Americans on the street homeless without any type of aid. According to Wogan (2017), “New Jersey joins eight other states trying to address the problem by waiving fees for homeless people applying for ID cards and birth certificates. Most of the states with a waiver in place use the same approach as New Jersey and require a third-party service provider to verify that the person is homeless.” With programs like this in place this will eliminate a large population of the homeless off the streets and able to sign up for housing programs. Providing satisfactory quality health care is another way to end homeless. In some states, the only way the homeless can seek medical attention is by admitting themselves through the emergency department. According to Maness and Khan (2014), “In a homeless person, the association of one or more chronic illnesses with substance abuse or mental illness appears to increase the risk of early death. Compared with the general U.S. population, homeless persons are three to six times more likely to become ill, their hospitalization rates are four times higher, and

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