
Homelessness with Mental Illnesses in Crisis

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Building on Client’s Strengths Roberts (2005) suggest for a crisis intervener to keep positive, instill hope, and to assure the client that they are capable of overcoming the situation. He also recommends says the client will be able to overcome later similar hazards easier once they overcome the current crisis. Carling (1990) states people with mental illnesses have the power to make positive decisions about choices in life. People who have mental illness and have substance abuse issues value dignity. There problems do not exclude them from having a right to dignity. Unconditional positive regard is valued among everyone. Barber (1995) recognizes the importance of treatment being individualized with substance abuse clients. This student assumes this concept to be an axiom no matter what client population is. In fact, each client would have their own unique strength to build on. A person who has mental health and substance use problems from ACE would have resiliency the mental Health professional could possibly utilize. In other words, a person who has experienced negative childhood events would have developed abilities to use in other problem areas. Finding alternative ways to use dysfunctional behavior in a functional way might be difficult. For example, helping the client find other ways to relax than using substances would be keeping the behavior but using different dynamics. Mental illness and substance use are often the healthy behaviors to problems.

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