To offer a new service that had the potential to cannibalize one of our current offerings, plus there were regulatory issues to overcome. Background: The company provided a service for homeowners and then provided them a warranty that the homeowner could maintain by paying an annual fee. You could compare the warranty fee to your homeowners insurance; as long as you maintain your annual premium you were covered. It’s like insurance, but because we provided an initial service and yearly inspection, state insurance laws did not regulate us. New Offering: To offer an annual warranty that did not require an initial treatment. Not requiring the initial treatment made the new service more of an insurance product, versus a guarantee of performance. This new warranty contract has never been offered in this industry before, and we had significant challenges to bring this to market. Discuss the time and quality factors that influenced the decision: We did not have time or quality concerns, however, we had reputational and regulatory issues that were significant. Would any of the formal methods described in this course be appropriate to use in making this decision? Yes Why or why not? Tools used: Bayesian Analysis, Financial/Forecast Analysis …show more content…
70% of customers bought our service due to a current problem, and 30% bought as a preventive measure. So we new the new offering had the potential to reduce full sales on this 30%. Also, we knew that only 40% of households use the service our industry provides, so we had significant upside potential to gain market penetration/share. Thru the above mention tools, we were able to successfully model the financial impact of this new service line before moving to the next stage in the rollout
a. To support a positive relationship between the MCO and the provider as well as offering legal protection should the relationship between parties become disagreeable
for the care of the service user. They may assume that what has given them cause for
risks had not been identified. Had the risk levels and mitigation strategies been identified, socialized
Both parties are clearly identified although this contract also does not use the full legal name of the association. The scope of work is detailed in this contract in the service description and the notes. Compensation of $9630 clearly stated and the manner in which it must be paid is included. The time period of when the work will be completed is detailed in section IV and the schedule of services attachment. In Schedule A number 3 clearly details the terms of the limited warranty provided. There is no mention of insurance, although it is very likely this company is insured the association should require them to provide a current certificate of insurance. The contract does have a provision which allows Vinoy Place to terminate the contract with a 30 day notice prior to the annual renewal date of March 23rd. Additionally, in Schedule A 10 describes that AESC can terminate the contract if they determine it is not feasible for them to continue to provide service. Schedule A 15 describes the remedies for breach of contract in detail. This contract overall contains many more specifics and is a better contract when compared to the generator/pump contracts. It is worth mentioning that some of the terms describe how AESC will not be liable and will be held harmless if certain events occur and the contract is heavily weighted in their
Sioux Empire Home Inspections LLC is a home inspection company that is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Sioux Empire Home Inspections LLC is a locally owned and operated business. Their business hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, from Monday to Sunday. Sioux Empire Home Inspections LLC performs thorough and comprehensive inspections. The services they render include home inspection, pest and termite inspection, and radon inspections and tests. Sioux Empire Home Inspections LLC produces the digital photos to help describe the home and its condition. Sioux Empire Home Inspections LLC has easy to follow and understand reports. Their reports are usually delivered within 24 hours of inspection. They are experienced, licensed, and fully insured.
The Westmount Retirement Residence (WRR) is calculating the cost per resident by dividing the total costs by number of residents. This number is then multiplied by inflation of 5 to 8
Provide a description of a scenario in which this kind of decision between two choices, based on weighing their underlying attributes, applies in the “real-world” business setting. Furthermore, what are the benefits and drawbacks, if any, to this method of decision making?
A warranty of a product can be extended by providing additional protection or to lengthen the coverage of the manufacturer’s
Follow the Curve: Why national trends in Seniors Housing occupancy data should matter to Independent Owners
Please note that this Assessment has 6 pages and is made up of 3 Sections.
Bottom-line, they put all their eggs in one basket; they failed to have a backup product to develop a quick revenue stream to further fund their long-term goal. However, without a crystal ball that was a difficult decision.
They would then be able to either rehome Mr Bates to a safer living arrangement of arrange a package of care. A package of care may be a better option than rehoming because it addresses a common goal and gives an input without being as restrictive. It also has the added benefit of taking his views into account. However to make sure all care was suitable he would need to be continually reassessed (Feit and Holosko, 2004). Care for the elderly has many problems which can increase length of stay in hospital. This is not beneficial to the patient or cost effective (Majeed et al, 2012). Therefore good communication and coordination from all of the MDT is needed to prevent this (Carroll and Dowling, 2007). It is likely that his social worker would
Make a customer analysis and segment the market. What impact does your analysis have on the current business model of the company?
In mature markets such as the luxury car industry, different companies own the market shares already. These companies sell similar items at comparable prices, so the key to success is to differentiate their item by adding a service that customers feel is valuable. I found the Service Added Based Differentiation Simulation very difficult. My results were less than optimal every time I attempted something different. My first attempt at the differentiation was to add the GPS System in all of the Camyo vehicles. My decision was poor because it appeared not to have added a higher value perception within my target market. The customers were able to assign a value to the GPS system, therefore it was not the best option. Although my actual unit sales were not optimal on my initial attempt, the profitability of the car was high since I raised the price. My second decision was made based upon the recommendation to add more than one option. Therefore I added the GPS system and the weekly car wash. The customers viewed the
Customer service is an important factor to increase sales in almost all industries. Broadstripe, a small provider of cable, Internet, and phone services saw it as a solution to increase sales as their company was filed for bankruptcy protection in early 2009. To improve the customer service experience, Tony Lent, Chief Commercial Officer at Broadstripe, launched a 60-day MBG offering