
Homework Yourself Out Of Being Lazy

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How to Trick Yourself Out of Being Lazy Being lazy is a wonderful feeling. The guilt of knowing you should probably be doing something more productive can be exhilarating. Laziness also isn’t something to fully avoid – sometimes it really is for the best to rest for a bit and recharge those batteries. Yet, laziness does also have an ugly side. Being lazy can easily snowball – if I haven’t done the washing up in the previous three days, why shall I do it now – and your inactions can have serious consequences in your personal and work life. What can you do when “I’ll do it tomorrow” seems like the easier option and getting started feels like climbing Mount Everest? You can trick yourself out of being lazy by implementing these clever …show more content…

Analysing why you are lazy and what it is specifically in those tasks that you hate can give you better tools to tackle them. You notice the real problem and you can find solutions that help. 2 Avoid the ‘having to’ attitude When a new e-mails lands on your desk at the end of the workday, your instant reaction might be “Not this again, why do I have to do this now”. I would know, as I’ve stared at the dish pile a lot of times saying “Do I have to do them?” The problem is that when you think things in terms of ‘have to’ rather than ‘want to’ you find them depressing, time-consuming and not fun. Things we have to do are generally not something most of us enjoy – the whole verb makes it feel like we are being forced to do something. So, start changing the attitude and thinks you say to yourself to something else – find the passion and the reason behind your tasks. For example, when I’m faced with a pile of dishes I think, “Here’s an example of the tasty dish I enjoyed with my friends just now and after I wash these I have another opportunity to have a good time.” If you don’t feel like answering the e-mail, think the opportunities of replying – perhaps it can lead to a new contract and you can finally go on vacation with the extra money! 3 Clear out the difficult tasks first I hate doing the dishes and opening envelopes. You probably have your own list of

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