
Honor In A Few Good Men

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How do you react to intense pressure situations? Do you crack, break down and give in to what you're being asked to do, or do you stand stall and stay true to your own values you think are right and wrong. The film A Few Good Men released in 1992, it was produced by Castle Rock Entertainment and was directed by Rob Reiner with star actors such as Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson. In the movie, two marines, named Dawson and Downey were ordered to perform a code red on Private Santiago. He was a weaker marine that they feared for his safety.They follow the order and actually kill him. Tom Cruise, a military lawyer, and his team get the task of trying to get these two men off of murder. Eventually all odds against them and their team, they get Colonel Jessup …show more content…

Dawson and Downey both talk about their code of honor which was Unit, Core, God, and country. Well, they both took this to heart. We can see how they react when being questioned by, Tom Cruise, Lt. Daniel Kaffee in the movie. Kaffee thinks the men are very stubborn and stupid their responses. At one point he even says, “ this code of honor of yours really makes me want to beat the shit out of someone.” This shows what the code of honor really meant to these men. When you can find something in your life that you respect that much, that is how you will act. The Marine Corps was these men's home, and whatever order they were given, even the code red,they were sure to do it, so they wouldn't let the anyone down. In their minds, performing the code was red was the right thing to do. “We tend to think as a group so humans don't have to think on their own. Think as the Marine Corps as the big group. Dawson and Downey now don’t have to think for themselves anymore. They do whatever is asked. That is why when the code red is ordered, there was no second guessing, they just did it, because that is what the Marines instilled in

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