
Hospital Of Terror Short Story

Decent Essays

Anthology 5
Hospital of Terror

It was a usual day at work, the sounds of beeping heart monitors, baby cries, and nurses talking about their patients. No one in the hospital had any idea of what would turn our lives upside down in the following hours.
Everything was fine, until I heard an announcement over the intercom, which we rarely use so it does not disturb the patients here. The announcement clearly stated in a low, cranky voice that I did not recognize, “This hospital will not see the sun rise tomorrow.” Everyone kind of exchanged confused looks. Cautiously, I went down to the lobby, where the intercom room is, and went in. It was unusually dark. The light only being a few feet away from the door, I crept to it, and flipped the switch. …show more content…

It is dingy down here, and the smell of medicine is worse than normal. What is going on today? That is when I got a big whiff of death. Okay, I think I just need to lay down. So I stumbled back to the elevator, but before I made it there, I heard a quiet moan. It sounded like it came from the supplies room. Scared of what it might be, I slowly walked to the door and opened it. The sight behind the door was atrocious. There laid a humongous pile of cadavers. The people in it were the nurses, doctors, and patients from this hospital! I knew that I would not stay down here any longer, but as soon as I began to back out the door and head up to call the police. That dark shadow of a man appeared. While backing up into the room to get away from him, I fell onto the carcusses. I never dreamed in a million years that this is how my day would end up. He hovered over me, and, well, the twenty other bodies under me. When he got about two inches from my face, He slipped on blood and fell on me. Yuck! While we were trying to get up, something grabbed hold of me from inside the pile. It was pulling me inside the huge mound of corpses. The shadowy man just laughed at me and left the room. As I lost sight of the door, the smell became even stronger than before. It was unbearable. As the smell of death grew, I became nauseous and dizzy. It was the worst feeling ever, and I did not know what to do, and then I felt something else on my neck. It was a dead person biting me. It started to hurt more and more, until the pain was oppressive. It felt as if I were in a haze. Then, I had memories of my life flash before me. My breaths became slower and were farther apart, when everything turned

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