
How Abusive Relationships Has Changed My Life

Decent Essays

My parents met in high school and became high school sweethearts. They stayed together through out-of-state college and all. My mom was around 31 when the divorce happened. In result, my mom never really had a boyfriend other than him, so after the divorce her pick of men wasn’t too great, she has been involved in toxic mental, spiritual, emotional and physical abusive relationships. I didn’t realize that it has influenced my life negatively, it has affected me in my relationships and my thoughts on men. I am strong I know that for a fact. However, when it comes to guys, relationships, or sex I am weak, and I know they can sense that, giving them the opportunity to abuse it with an advantage over me. It took me until September of 2017 to realize that. I have a fear of abandonment along with trust issues. I was so quick to find love and fill in the void I had that I started to settle for less. I dropped my worth to find love and please them. I loved the “bad boy” vibe it was a rush of excitement and how unpredictable it was. I’m 19 and I’ve been in some mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically abusive relationships. It so crazy because I knew what I was …show more content…

I have daily mantras and an everyday pep talk that I recite every day to boost my self-esteem, to encourage me to keep going and to ensure me that I am wonderfully and fearfully made. There’s this one I say daily which is “My past does not dictate my future”. I have a prayer box and even though he is not an active person in my life I pray for him. I also pray that I won’t take my peace. I am working on myself and working hard so that I will be successful because I want to find a man where him and I can build together and start a family. I want a man who will be an active father, who genuinely loves and will care for them. I don’t want my children to have to endure any of the heartache and pain of being a daddy-less

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