
How Acculturation Played A Role In Smoking

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Lee, Miller, Wen, Hui, Roussi & Hernandez (2015) in a prospective randomized controlled design, evaluated a theory guided cognitive behavioral counseling (CBC) intervention and a best practice (BP) condition among pregnant and postpartum women. Of the 277 participants in the underserved population, those in the CBC postpartum group after a 5 months follow-up was more likely to be abstinent compared to the BP group. Those in the prenatal group had comparable cessation rates. Culture Wagener, Busch, Dunsiger, Chiang, & Borrelli, (2014), exploratory study examined how acculturation played a role in smoking cessation among Latinos caregivers who have children with Asthma. A sample of 131 Latino smokers were randomized between two smoking …show more content…

paper-work related documentation and lack of self-efficacy in engaging clients in smoking cessation counseling was identified. Smoking cessation interventions require a holistic approach consisting of educational and behavioral intervention and medications. Whether by itself or in combination, an intervention has the capacity to supplement the efficacy of smoking cessation. In order to achieve the steps needed to facilitate this kind of underpinning, the employment of educational interventions coupled with the participants knowledge, disease process and motivation to decrease or quit smoking must be factored in (Patel, 2009). A teachable moment is what will be able to offered help increase the participants motivation in order to decrease the frequency of smoking or cessation, in the form of small effective and inexpensive weekly classes in a community setting (Appendix H, I), which includes teaching about their disease process, the effects of smoking on every organ in their body and the reduction in health of smokers in general (CDC, 2017). Theoretical Framework Smoking affects the chronically ill by increasing their morbidity and mortality risk, and put non-smoker at risk for Heart disease, Lung Cancer and Stroke through inhalation second hand smoke. The use of Lippitt’s change theory will help to underpin the implementation of

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