
How Acting Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Acting is the art of revealing a character, and that is what I am demonstrating now, because it has made an meaningful impact on my life. Standing on a set as a camera light beats on me, being studied by these decision makers who I do not even know, yet who have an exceedingly amount of control over my future opportunities is very nerve-wracking. Which in a way is what I am doing now, allowing your decision to impact only the beginning of my collegiate career. It is my job to strengthen the golden thread between me and the lens, to portray the story the best it could be illustrated. When I hear action, silence breaks through and I speak my first line while my character is unveiled and comes to life within me. Since 9th grade I have been acting, not in school plays or shows; but in commercials, tv shows, and print. …show more content…

Acting has increased my self-confidence, improved my time management skills, made me well-rounded, and has assured me of my choices. It allows me to see the world from a different perspective which is refreshing. I must place myself-and often my mind- into someones whose viewpoints that are foreign to me so that I can better understand the character. Which helps me greater understand the people around me, making it easier to work with others. When you act you encounter the most amazing cross-section of humanity. Developing my ability to understand and effectively communicate with a widely diverse group of people. Having this skill is incredibly beneficial because you don’t get to pick who you work with, but being able to adequately produce excellent work with anyone is very important. The understanding of various personal viewpoints not only helps in interpersonal relationships but also in conducting business transactions,negotiations, and common courtesy towards

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