
How Alzheimer Is A Disease That Affects Your Cognitive And Behavior Abilities

Decent Essays

When Alzheimer’s knocks at your front door
Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects your cognitive and behavior abilities. Millions of people are diagnose worldwide. It is very common to know someone that has a love one or friend diagnosed with this disease. However, everything changes when you happen to know that someone very close to you will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, my grandmother.
My memorable journey onto the Alzheimer’s world begins in my late twenties. I used to work as an activity director in a retirement home for senior citizens. I just knew for protocol that more than a quarter of the total population of the residents was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s as a secondary diagnose.
Every day was a joyful and fun experience for me; the interaction with the residents was so deep that became a personal on an ethical way. We’ve always begin our day with our daily chair fitness exercises. Every time I did something with them, I have always put a big, wide and wierd smile on me. Some of the residents would really appreciated that noble gesture, however, some of them would just tell me “what the hell are you always smiling about”, I laughed so hard every time I heard them say foul language, I knew they did not meant saying that ( I hope so).
I did not quite grasp why they acted like that, or why they were cranky and sad all the time, until the charge nurse educate me and told me that they act like not because they want or they mean it, it is because they have Alzheimer’s prior

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