
How Can Acme Home Improvement Boost Their Income Essay

Decent Essays

For Acme Home Improvement to boost their income, they are trying to increase their territory and jump into the global market. Acme Home Improvements opened a new store in Mexico City in Central America and offer the public their home improvement requirements for commercial builders to project builders. The Acme operations analysts have proposed a standard day job schedule for planners for Acme Mexico City (AMC). The plan for the schedule is accommodating with Mexico’s labor laws and company guidelines in scheduling the Part-Time (P/T) staff’s 50% of a day’s total scheduled hours. The proposal complies with the advanced planner’s imposition not to have 30 customer service associates scheduled during a shift to prevent any unnecessary …show more content…

The advance planners from Acme Mexico City presented an approximate minimum and maximum number of customer service associates that can be scheduled. Acme Mexico City’s daily operating hours are between 7:00AM to 11:00PM and plan to have both F/T and P/T customer service associates scheduled. The scheduling for P/T customer service associates comply with Mexico’s labor law and company guidelines and restricts a total of 50% of a day’s overall scheduled hours. Acme’s operations analysts and the AMC advanced planners created a standard day job scheduled using the integer linear programming. The Acme Mexico City has to schedule the staff with a precise number of customer service associates in order to provide customers with effective and efficient service plus present a financially low-budget, every day schedule. The daily assignment schedule that was presented by Acme operations analysts was in compliance with any of the boundaries of Mexico’s labor laws and corporate policy. The proposed schedule doesn’t surpass 30 associates on the floor during any shift or shift changes, avoids any scheduling of P/T associates after 7:00pm, and meets the requirement with scheduling P/T associates 50% of the days combined scheduled hours. All F/T employees are required to take an hour long lunch break in order to comply with Mexico’s labor laws. The scheduled proposal of Acme’s operations analysts is sufficient based on

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