“A branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.” This is the definition of science in the Google dictionary. Given that anything that studies knowledge or truths and arranged them into usable data or theories means that psychology must be a science. Psychology studies how humans behave, how a humans brain reacts to certain situations, and why these things occur in order to gain an understanding on what the true human nature is like. How could someone like Hitler rise to power? Why can people feel so much attachment to inanimate objects, or why do some of people get depression after terrible situations, while others rise up and become stronger? These questions
Hitler could not have come into power if the German economy had been healthy and strong. There are many reasons that attributed to his rise in the ranks. Strong vocal support, becoming chancellor, touching into the hate buried deep inside the hearts of impoverished Germans everywhere. I think inflation and going out of your comfort zone is what influenced previously wealthy Germans to make Adolf their leader. They wanted luxury, and they wanted revenge.
mind and behavior”. A fuller description is offered by the NHS “Psychology is a science
Psychology is a science that is normally subjected to an argument. There is also criticism of psychology has not been around long enough to develop a standard, or had established a system of ideas that has been accepted by most specialists in the public, and also lacks the important characteristics of a science. Psychology has roots in other fields including the non-scientific disciplines such as philosophy, which makes it even harder to classify it with the traditional science such as biology and chemistry.
Have you ever wondered how Hitler came to power? Have you ever wondered why people would join Hitler? Hitler’s leadership was successful because he started out as a Gefreiter, or Lance Corporal, in the Bavarian army during World War 1. In this piece, I will talk about Hitler’s rise up to take over Germany, how he expanded his reign out further to other countries, and how Hitler
When The First World War finally ended on November 11 1918; Germany was “crowned” the losers. It was a devious time and everyone was depressed which enabled some extremist’s parties to gain support from the citizens of Germany. One of parties was the Nazis with their leader Hitler. Hitler's rise to power cannot be attributed to one event, but a mixture of factors including events happening outside Germany, the strengths of the Nazi party, and the weaknesses of other parties within Germany. Hitler used these factors to his advantage and in 1933 he legitimately gained power to become chancellor.
There have been many countless dictators that have forced their way into power though, Adolf Hitler, has gained authority through False usage of his political position and cleverness. Before Hitler advanced to power, he started from being a boy who desired to become a fine painter, but his artwork was neglected by the Academy of fine arts so he got involved in German Army. Joining German Army was Hitler’s first step in enhancing as a dictator “At the outbreak of World War I, he applied to serve in the German army. He was accepted in August 1914, though he was still an Austrian citizen”. During the WWI, he was employed as a confidential informant and showed his bravery and loyalty toward Germany by delivering classified information to the allies.
Hitler rose to power through the chaos at the end of world war one after Germany had lost the war. Germany had to give up its military power, and had to pay debts to the victors pf the first world war, and it caused Germans to be enraged allowing Hitler to become a leader. The Nazis had never really gotten power until Germany's leader made Hitler second in command. Germany's leader died though giving Hitler full command, Hitler rebuilt the German army, and in 1939 started World War two. Untimely Hitler could not have rose to power without World War one.
Looking back at the horrendous events that occurred during the WWII, many of the people affected or not so affected by the events that took place often ask the question, “Who let a mad man like Hitler come into power?” The answer is, no one. Therefore, it’s probably more accurate to say, “What enabled Hitler to come to power?” To Germans burdened by reparations payments to the victors of World War I, threatened by hyperinflation,and political chaos, Hitler offered scapegoats and solutions to the German People. (Fredericks 17) To the families or individuals who were affected financially, he promised to maraud from Jewish Financiers. To the workers left without jobs, he promised security. By promising to control trade unionism, he gained the financial support of bankers and industrialists which allowed him to rise to power and created the havoc as we know today, the Holocaust. (Smith 37)
Austrian-born in 1889, Adolf Hitler was a combatant of World War I. During the time of peace between World War I and World War II, the peace imposed on Germany antagonized Hitler. Thus, he sought to reverse the peace that humiliated Germany. Using fear and intimidation, Hitler consolidated and maintained his power.
Hitler and the Nazis rose to power by the Schutzstaffeln or the SS and unemployed citizens in Germany. The SS kept control by force and terror many people became scared and followed it to not get hurt. This was one of the big things that led him to his power. Also unemployment was a big factor of their rise to power because Germans accepted Hitler and the Nazis for solving Germany's economic distress. These two things are only a fraction of what led Hitler and the Nazis rise to power in the early 1900s.
He let all his emotion out into this book, and explained that the Jewish were the reason he could not sleep, the reason he was miserable. Hitler looked down upon every Jew, and he did not even take into consideration that some of them were so innocent and unharmful. Hitler's disgust for them continued to grow stronger, and as he was in jail, he continued writing his book which outlines his feelings and steps that reveal his rise to power and all the lies he had told his country. Hitler was able to rise to power with this hatred because he was so good at persuading people. He forced Germans to believe that the Jewish were terrible people. His spread of propaganda allowed him to commit harmful crimes against Jewish people because others thought
After WW1, Germany was left with the sadness and depression of losing the war. People were upset and in search for a solution. Young Adolf Hitler took matters into his own hands and created the Nazi Party after being spy of the German Workers Party. Hitler and the Nazi Party were shut down time after time. Hitler shortly took power of the German people, but how did he do it?
When people hear the word “Nazi” they immediately think of the Nazi’s to power, and Adolf Hitler. The Nazis rise to power lead to many events in world history, including one of the biggest, World War One. The Nazis used propaganda to gain the support and power that they wanted. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party. On April 20, 1889 Adolf Hitler was born in a small Austrian village.
Psychology is defined by Merriam-Webster, as the science of mind and behavior. It is a study of how an individual's psyche can be created, developed, altered or destroyed. Carol Gilligan, a Harvard Graduate School professor, for many years has analyzed the psychological theory and development, specifically in a book entitled In A Different Voice.
Psychology is defined as the study of the human mind and its functions the mind is studied through experimentation and observation and just like the other sciences, needs empirical evidence, therefore, it is a science. There has always been a large debate about it though because the mind is such a tricky topic, some people even go on to call it an art which they back up with valid points. Psychology is different from many other sciences because it’s less concrete. For example in chemistry, biology and physics most things we learn about are laws, well in Psychology there are no laws that have been discovered yet. Because the mind is such a sensitive thing laws are tricky because there could always be one outcast, the same doesn’t apply for the other sciences though because if we are told that the mass of one Oxygen atom is 15.999 g/mol, we could never find one Oxygen atom that wasn’t 15.999 g/mol. As there are differences there are also similarities between Psychology and other sciences. One similarity as stated before is that psychology as all other sciences need empirical evidence to support claims and make theories and, for other sciences, laws. Another similarity is that things like “common sense” and popular opinion aren’t always the best to use to find answers you’re looking for.