
How Did Andrew Carnegie Impact The World

Decent Essays

Andrew Carnegie’s Impact on the World Throughout history the United States has remembered Andrew Carnegie and what he did to influence the world. Many of us want to make our mark on the world and Andrew Carnegie is a great example of that. Carnegie was a man that accomplished this. Although many others like Henry Ford, Vanderbilt, and John D. Rockefeller were well involved in the revolutionary war and also had a great big impact on the world, I believe that Andrew Carnegie had the biggest impact. All of these men including Andrew Carnegie competed with one another to be the richest man in the world as well as have the biggest company. Andrew Carnegie made an impact when he displayed the characteristics of building a business enterprise that …show more content…

Andrew Carnegie first started as an apprentice of Cornelius Vanderbilt which had owned just about every railroad and railway line to deliver and trade goods. When Vanderbilt died Andrew took over Vanderbilt’s business. Finally, when Andrew Carnegie took over he decided to look for something more. Andrew found a new way to make bridges, towers, or anything stronger. Andrew found that the secret tool was steel. Steel was Carnegie's vision of America. To prove that steel was the new building tool he decided to create the Eads Bridge. At first, the building of the Eads Bridge was going as planned but then things took a turn. Unfortunately, Carnegie did not have enough money to continue building the bridge so the work had to be put to an immediate stop. Luckily, Andrew Carnegie did end up getting the money to continue building and finish the bridge. When the Eads bridge was completed Carnegie ran into another problem. The people were scared to walk or drive across the bridge. The stability and strength of the bridge had to be tested for people to trust that it would be safe. . So, to display how strong the bridge was Carnegie decided to have an elephant lead a parade across the bridge. The elephant did successfully walk across the bridge. From that day on people have been driving, walking, and running across the the Eads …show more content…

As much as Carnegie loved the idea of becoming the most successful man and competing in the business world with others such as John D. Rockefeller, he too fell in love with the idea of giving. In fact by the end of his life, which was the year of 1911, Carnegie had given away 90% of his money. Throughout his lifetime he donated thousands of dollars to libraries and music programs. Carnegie always believed that a rich man with lots of money should always give away. For example, in 1902 he founded the Carnegie Institution to fund scientific research and established a pension fund for teachers with a $10 million donation. (Library of Congress). Not only did Andrew love to give to charities but he also loved to read which is why he he gave money to towns and cities to build more than 2,000 public libraries. He also gave $125 million to a foundation called the Carnegie Corporation to aid colleges and other schools. ( Library of

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