Throughout his life, Hitler has been responsible for the deaths of 11 million people and most of those people have already been suffering discrimination because of Hitler. Hitler’s experiences led him to making many people suffer and affect many aspects of other people’s existence. During WWII, the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party changed the course of many people’s lives. First, Hitler’s early life led him to having his political viewpoints and affiliations. Next, the founders of the Nazi Party and their goals changed the fate of Germany. Finally, the lives of many Jews changed because of Hitler’s actions against them. First, Hitler’s early life led him to having his political viewpoints and affiliations. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau Inn Austria. In school, he showed an early interest in German nationalism. He rejected the authority of Austria-Hungary. Then, when Hitler’s parents died, he moved to Vienna to get into the the Academy of Fine Arts, but got rejected twice so he ended up joining the German military. After the war, he was sent to spy on the German Workers’ Party as an intelligence officer. Hitler was bitter over Germany’s loss in WWI and thought the Treaty of Versailles was degrading and he blamed the Civilian leaders and Marxists. While monitoring …show more content…
Hitler rose to power by using the Jews as scapegoats. At first, few people listened to him but when the Great Depression struck and people became unemployed and hopeless, Hitler’s scapegoating of the Jews became a lot more fruitful. According to the History Learning Site, Later, Jews were imprisoned at concentration camps so they could be eliminated. Many Jews died at the concentration camps due to lack of food and forced labor. Then, Hitler established the “Final Solution” where Jews were sent to extermination camps and were gassed. In conclusion, Hitler scapegoated the Jews and had millions of them
Once hitler rose to power and became a dictator, he began his extinction of jews by segregating them and forcing them to live in separate sections of the city called ghetto’s. Nazi’s would watch over them and make sure none of them could escape or try to leave the country. As jews were being mistreated, camps were being built for the jews to
Hitler is often seen as a horrid, cruel person, but as John F. Kennedy states, he did many wonderful things for this world. Although Hitler had his way in doing the things he wanted to do, he created many new ideas that are still in use! Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, Austria. Adolf Hitler was the fourth of six children born to Klara Hitler and Alois Hitler As a child, he was known as “Adi” and attended a Catholic church. When Hitler was three, he moved from Austria to Germany. He was then raised in Germany.
Adolf Hitler, chancellor and dictator of Germany from 1934 to 1945, was founder and leader of the Nazi Party. Under the leadership of Hitler, Nazi Germany created concentration camps to segregate Jews and many other minorities from German society. Though, the Jewish population was not great in Germany, individuals who had converted to another religion or had ancestors who were Jewish were also categorized by the Nazis as a Jew. The “Final Solution,” the genocide of more than six million Jewish people, consisted of gassing, shootings, starvation and random acts of terror. This is the most familiar scheme from the
After World War I, Adolf Hitler was one of the dictators that arose; which then gained power in Germany in its Great Depression. Hitler rose to power using techniques such as propaganda, censorship, charisma and terror, but that was not all he did. Hitler started his own fascist party in Germany and called it the Nazi Party. Later, Hitler developed anti-semitism, or prejudice against Jews and dehumanized them. He viewed Jews as a separate race not a religion. This caused many changes particularly to the Jews. During World War I the Nazi’s treatment of the Jews caused political, economic, and social changes.
Once, Adolf Hitler said, “It’s not the truth that matters, but victory.” Obviously, this quote shows that Hitler’s mindset was directed towards winning, and not his moral values. He made false accusations about the innocent Jews, killing over six-million of them. These false accusations were simple, repeated, and, eventually, people believed it. The rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party affected how people viewed the Jews at the time. To begin, events in Adolf Hitler’s life lead to his viewpoints and affiliations. Secondly, the creation of the Nazi Party was critical to the formation of Germany’s point of view. Lastly, Jewish people had been used as scapegoats for the loss of World War I and Germany’s economic crisis.
Hitler impacted the world in various forms, the first being the way he climbed familiarity with the likelihood of racial partiality and the need to contain and dispose of individuals who are profoundly fit for destruction. This hatred for a race had never been seen before, and luckly through Hitler’s defeat; people that were directly involved with the war were and are ensured the protection of human rights.
In addition, Hitler destroyed many homes, hospitals, and schools that were owned by the Jews that affected the economy of the Reich. He used the death of the German diplomat as an excuse to start the persecution that he didn’t even care about the poor diplomat. He commanded the Nazis to start eliminating the Jews in the middle of night because he wanted to destroy the peaceful during their sleeps. However, seeing the crime Hitler caused, many nations decided to admit many Jewish refugees. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stop him when he started the Holocaust, so many people lost their lives.
Hitler in full power created laws, one of his laws was on how Jewish people citizenship and prohibiting marriage or sexual relations with people of "German or related blood”. Thus, started the concentration camp movement, Jews, Communists, Gypsies, homosexuals and others were sent to the camps. Hitler was known as a “monster” for his masterplan to eliminating the Jews. He ended over 11 million lives for no reason what so ever, just for what he believed. With such twisted morals, Hitler and his Nazis persecuted based off religions, cultures and beliefs. The holocaust was an insight for him as the “Final Solution” for his own benefit on what he believed in and his hatred towards Jews and others.
Many wonder what the notorious Adolf Hitler must have endured that led him the become such an evil, careless person. He is infamously known as the main perpetrator of the Holocaust in which roughly ten million people died. Although his exact reasoning for intolerance is, and always will be, unknown, we can infer his motive probably began for reasons such as his failure to become an artist, his abusive father, and his public relations with anti-semitic leaders.
During the first six years of Hitler’s dictatorship, Jews felt the effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations (Witherbee). Hitler also used brainwashing in his steps to fulfill his genocide. Hitler would take children at young ages and tech them how bad Jews are and that Jews are the enemy. Hitler called the plan of the Jewish massacre “The Final Solution” (Witherbee). A few reasons why Hitler started the holocaust were somewhat very complex.
Adolf Hitler came to power over Germany in January of 1933. He hated Jews and blamed them for everything bad that had ever happened to Germany. Hitler’s goal in life was to eliminate the Jewish population. With his rise to power in Germany, he would put into action his plan of elimination. This is not only why German Jews were the main target of the Holocaust, but why they were a large part of the years before, during, and after the Holocaust. Hitler’s “final solution” almost eliminated the Jewish population in Europe during World War II. At the end of the war and along with his suicide, the Jewish population would survive the horror known as the Holocaust and the Jews would eventually find their way back to their homeland of Israel
Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn, Austria, on April 20, 1889. His father was a minor customs official and his mother was from a poor family. He never completed high school but he applied for admission to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia). He did not receive admission because he apparently lacked talent. He lived in Vienna until 1913 on an orphan’s pension and the earnings he made from his drawings. He read often and developed contempt for Jews and democracy. Hitler volunteered for service in the Bavarian army during World War I. He was a dedicated soldier, but he was never promoted higher than private first class because his supervisors thought that he did not have the potential to be a leader. After Germany lost the war in 1918, he remaining in the army until 1920. His commander made him an education officer, with the order to immunize his charges against pacifist and democratic ideas. He joined the nationalist German Workers’ party in September
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria where he was baptized into the Catholic church. He was the son of an Austrian customs official, and dropped out of high school at age sixteen. As a young man, Hitler dreamed of being an artist. He applied to the Vienna Academy of the Arts twice and was rejected both times. He made a meager living by painting and selling postcards in Linz, Vienna, and Munich. Hitler affected Germany greatly because of his political offices. He founded the Nazi party and served as chancellor until the death of President Paul Von Hindenburg when he became the sole dictator of Germany. Hitler affected millions of people worldwide through his political and social views and actions. He was brutal, assertive, and
Hitler had shown unwillingness to tolerate the Jews and once he was appointed Chancellor, he started to take elimination measures like deportation, forced emigration, and isolation to enforce his belief. He took advantage of Germany’s weakness in World War One, then used it as an opportunity to blame the Jews for Germany’s defeat. Hitler’s political party was the largest political party in Germany thus allowing them to draw very large crowds to gatherings. He had very good oratory speeches with hand gestures that easily manipulated people to adhere to his views. Hitler constantly targeted the Jews because he knew people believed in these speeches. People in Germany were already anti-semitic but Hitler made it worse by constantly consuming them in his speeches. From the way he spoke about the Jews, we could clearly see the possibility of genocide. Hitler wanted Germany to be free of any humans that anyone other than his ideal master race so he personally selected bodyguards to be part of a group called the SS. Hitler was responsible for ordering the SS to carry out the extermination of anyone who did not fit this ideal. The SS handled oppositions using force and as a result of which people were forced to give into the idea of violence. Sometimes people purposely went along with this Holocaust ideal due to the fear of getting killed. These terrors allowed the holocaust occur
Adolf Hitler is very much known for his barbaric deed and responsibility of the Holocaust-- possibly the most disturbing and most horrifying event to be recorded in history. The holocaust systematically killed over six million Jewish people, including over 1.5 million children that were victimized through a number of arguments that many believed was the cause for the destruction. It is difficult to conclude an overriding reason why the holocaust happened, although it is argued, however, that the imminent effect of the psychological state of mind of Hitler, along with the German citizens at the time, had a massive effect on what happened and what could have been prevented. Hitler’s anger and the country’s general