
How Did Hitler Came To Power

Decent Essays

Germany in the years before Hitler came to power from 1929-1933 was like the rest of the world in a state of depression. Germany was greatly impacted upon the most by the Great Depression as the Treaty of Versailles was put in place after the Great War, humiliating the Germans by taking away their land, money and some of its population. Hitler’s promise to the people of Germany once he gained power was to repudiate the treaty and gain back Germanys prestige. Hitler also promised full employment across Germany and economical growth.
As Hitler came to power he was a very smart and decisive man and convinced the government of Germany to give him full power of the country with the Enabling Act. This Act gave Hitler the power to carry out anything he required without …show more content…

With this Hitler turned Germany into a totalitarian state known as Nazi Germany controlling the minds of the people and what they believed. Hitler, with the Enabling Act took control of the education system which was the foundation of his Nazi Germany. “Hitler emphasised the great importance of children.” (alpha history, n.d). With Hitler taking control of the education system the children were far more likely to believe in Nazi rule, and therefore he controlled the next generation of soldiers and mothers. Economic policies that were put in place included having a military corps known as the SS or Gestapo. Although the majority of the population never came into direct contact with the Gestapo there was enough publicity of them to scare people out of speaking there mind against Hitler or disobeying Nazi rule. The Gestapo were also in control of controlling the “pure Germans”

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