One of the most positive outcomes was how they survived for 2 straight years with barely any food. They could not make any movement for 8 straight hours of every day. There was a total of 8 people living in just that little apartment. When the invasion started they had so much hope. The Nazis eventually caught them and sent them to a concentration camp during the war. They still had hope after the Nazis sent them to the camp hoping that the war would be over soon. One of the most negative outcomes was how Hitler was trying to kill all the jews and the families in the secret annex.It was terrible how Hitler would try so hard just to ruin peoples live especially trying to kill all the Jews. Hitler wouldn't stop until he conquered everything
Now that you know the basic story of what is said to have happend I'm going to go over what some people believe actually happend and the evidence. The theory goes that he did not kill himself instead Hitler and his wife escaped and moved to Argentina.
Studies of the Holocaust have provoked passionate debates. Increasingly, they have become a central topic of concern for historians particularly since the early 1970s, as the Holocaust studies were generally limited. However, one of the most intense debates surrounding the role played by Hitler in the ’Final Solution’. That is, whether and when Hitler took a decision to initiate the extermination process. Of course, this issue has caused incredible controversy and naturally such a contentious topic of debate has radically produced large amounts of new data and literature. Conflicting, an interpretation has caused further disparities between historians over Hitler’s role in the Holocaust. For this
Adolf Hitler thought disabled Germans were more of a disease than a group of people. He used faux science and bias propaganda to persuade Germans that the disabled were a threat to the nation. Disabled Germans were persecuted by the Nazis through gassings, starvation, and lethal overdoses based on the belief that they were inferior members of society.
During World War II, Germany was occupied by a group of people who were called Nazis. Their ever so evil leader was a fascist dictator with the name of Adolf Hitler. Hitler had this sick and twisted belief that his race of Germans was the most superior race on the planet, and that the people of Jewish heritage and race were inferior. For that matter he thought that all races were inferior, but especially the people of Jewish decent. Hitler got the idea in his mind that we need to make the world a better place and make it only full of a race that is superior, and the way that he was going to do that was to exterminate the Jews and other people deemed inferior. This is called the Jewish holocaust. Of the nine million Jews recorded living in Europe at the time,
This essay is going to discuss the ways in which the Nazi’s persecuted the Jews between the years of 1933 to 1938. Through the rise of Nazism, Nazi beliefs and propaganda, Nuremberg laws and the Kristallnacht in which will be explained in detail, I will provide a knowledge based analysis of pre-war life and the initial lead up to the war.
There would be many atrocities committed by the military at the behest of Hitler. Jewish men, women, and children were made to where the star of David on their person when they were in public. They were made to live in ghettos. Eventually, Jewish people and those who were against the Reich were rounded up and sent to concentration camps where many were
The second reason I agree with the source is because the government often manipulates its people and prys at their patriotism in order to control how they think and act. One example is Hitler who regulated what the public of Germany was to know and not know. Hitler often withheld information from the people of Germany, and instead told them only of the “benefits” and the “good” that was being accomplished for their people. Propaganda posters, documentaries and speeches were made in favour of Hitler’s actions to manipulate the people of Germany into believing their race was the only acceptable one, and that others required annihilated. Even modern music, movies and books were withheld from the public, and newspapers, pamphlets and flyers were
For instance, the Nuremberg Laws sought to annihilate the Jews from German society. Discrimination against the Jewish population increased. Jews were forced to live in ghettos and poor neighborhoods, had little to eat, and had to work hard jobs. Even after stripping so much from the Jews, the Nazis took it a step further and moved the Jews to concentration camps to murder them. Eventually, the Jews had no rights or freedom and were forced to submit to the devastating lives that the Nazis placed them in.
- Hitler could have hated the Jews because his mother Klara was suffering from breast cancer, a Jewish physician named Eduard Bloch was taking care of her and treating her so that she would be able to overcome this. Hitler might have hated the Jews because his mother Klara was suffering badly and she lost her battle to cancer, he might have wanted to take revenge on Eduard because he lost a loved one in his life.
Holocaust Genocide The largest ghetto was the ghetto in Warsaw, Poland (“Introduction to the Holocaust”). More than 400,000 Jews were crowed into an area of less than 1.3 sq. miles (“Introduction to the Holocaust”). The Nazis used the ghettos to concentrate the Jews into smaller proportions.
Hitler made them numerous promises and used many techniques of propaganda. Through Hitlers entire regime , Hitler’s main goal was to persecute the jews. The Jews were severely mistreated by Hitler and his numerous followers. The inflicting of suffering, harassment, isolation, imprisonment, fear, or pain are all factors that established persecution of the Jews. There are various reason why Hitler wanted to persecute Jews in the first place.Hitler used gruesome methods of torture to persecute them.
Colossal loss of life and most of Europe was left in ruins. The war divided continents as they search for supremacy. After the war Germany was left completely devastated, allied fighter jets bomb the country practically destroying it. Germany was financially destroyed due to Nazis. The country was also disgraced due to the atrocities carried out during the holocaust.
I know it was war but was it also racism? Judging through the fact Germany was also the enemy, why didn't the U.S bomb them if they were also our enemy in WW2? This is all I have to say. Thousands of innocent Japanese people died which surely ended the war but those people who died also had family and friends. There are hundred of different ways to end the war that is better than killing thousands of innocent people. Not to be mean but the U.S used similar killing strategy that the Nazis used to kill the Jewish people during the Holocaust.
Why did Hitler punish so many people? How did it all happen? Hitler and the Nazis decided to hurt the Germans and others to make them stronger and to win the war.
There were so many un-necessary laws put into place. Jews were put into a realbad position financially and physically after these laws. They would be in bad shape financiallybecause they might have lost their jobs just because they were Jewish. They would be in badphysical shape because most of them were homeless after Kristallnacht.In conclusion Jewish life changed for the worse in Germany from 1933-1939. So manyun-necessary laws were put into effect. Also two drastic nights of terror shaped the way Jewslived their lives in Germany in 1938. I think this all could have been avoided if Hitler wasn’tchancellor of Germany but I think it has also brought to our attention how drastic things can getif we don’t monitor other nations with the