
How Did Steve Jobs Change The World

Decent Essays

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.
Hello, I'm Steve Jobs, technology revolutionary. I was born on February 24th, 1955, to Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah John Jandali. Because I was born outside of marriage by a Catholic mother, I was put up for adoption, which led me to my adopted parents,Clara Hagopian and Paul Jobs. Of course, of all the things to happen to me a growing up, one of the most important events was meeting Steve Wozniak in college, a fellow electrical nerd like me. We quickly grew to be friends, and would co-found Apple together.

In February of 1974, I decided to get a job; I ended up working at Atari, the video game company. It was through this job that I was able to afford a trip to India, to reach enlightenment in Zen Buddhism. I remember that by the time I came back to America, the trip home was a bigger culture shock than going to India. …show more content…

We settled on the name "Apple", because it took the edge out of the then-intimidating word "computer". It also put us ahead of Atari in the phone book. Our first product, the Apple I, was released later that year. It didn't come with a screen or a keyboard, or even a power supply, but it paved the way for the Apple II. This time, everything was integrated except a screen, and it sold much better. Then, in 1984, we released the Macintosh, a fully complete machine, helping bring computers to the masses. It also helped reveal my harsh perfectionist personality, which made many enemies inside the

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