
How Did The Spanish Struggle For Independence?

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The war began when the Cubans were struggling for independence from Spain in February of 1985. Spain was very brutal and tried to stop the rebellion, so, many countries urged America to intervene and do something about it. This led to the sinking of Havana harbour of the battleship USS Maine in February of 1989 which was sent to protect the U.S. citizens and property after anti-Spanish rioting in Havana. Soon after, Spain announced an armistice on April 9th and granted Cuba limited powers of self-government, but the US congress issued resolutions that stated Cuba had rights to independence, demanded Spain’s armed forces to be removed from Cuba, and authorized the President’s use of force to make sure that is followed through.
Spain declared war on the US just 15 days after. This war was incredibly one sided, since Spain was not prepared at all for a distant war, especially with the United States. On the morning of May 1, 1898 in Manilla Bay in the Philippines, George Dewey, Commodore, led a naval squadron into their camp and obliterated the Spanish fleet that only wounded 7 American troops. …show more content…

Troops and volunteers under General William Shafter, Theodore Roosevelt, and the “Rough Riders” landed on the coast east of Santiago and slowly made their way onto the city to force Cervera’s fleet out of the harbor. Cervera and his squadron left Santiago on the 3rd of July trying to escape westward, all of his ships were set on fire by all the US guns and were beached in a sinking condition. Santiago surrendered to Shafter on the 17th of July and ended the war.
In addition, the Treaty of Paris, December 10, 1898, stated that Spain renounced their claim to Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico were ceded with the United States, and Spain transferred sovereignty over the Philippines to the US for

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