
How Do Leaders Influence Subordinate Behavior

Decent Essays

The concept that I found most important in Module 7 Leader Influence on Subordinate Behavior is the Discipline Model Arena 1 – Prevention. This concept is located in Chapter Five: Discipline that began on page 235 of our reading. As we know from our reading in Course 15 there are three arenas to the Discipline Model. In addition to Prevention there is also Correction and Punishment. I will focus solely on Prevention as it was the only arena mentioned in module 7. Discipline is crucial to a military organization and its importance cannot be underestimated. This is why prevention is extremely important. Without proper discipline the team center’s productivity and morale can be adversely affected. Problems that are not addressed appropriately can be detrimental to the working center. In our reading it tells us that the goal of prevention is to, “prevent or stop problems …show more content…

This translates to me that I should lead by example which for one acts as a deterrent. I must communicate effectively with my subordinates by clearly establishing the standards and informing them of my expectations. At the same time expressing to them that I will support them in every way I can. Moreover, I will hold them accountable by applying discipline consistently. It is mentioned that demonstrating that you are willing to hold subordinate accountable is crucial because prevention is only effective when subordinates are convinced that you are observing them and you are willing to correct and reward their …show more content…

Especially if disruptive behavior goes unchecked often times the issues are exacerbated where the bad behavior is mimicked by the other team members. This is especially true if the troubled behavior is coming from the supervisor

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