
How Do Parents Treat Children With ADHD?

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Imagine that you’re in the middle of a very important meeting or lesson. Someone calls out the answer to a question or shares before anyone else has a chance to. They are continually moving. They probably have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and are not being treated for it. ADHD is a common disorder affecting nearly 9% of every American between the ages 4 through 18. Medication is essential to helping kids with this disorder to grow and learn. Not treating a child can result in consequences, not meeting expectations, and compromising their health and safety. Medicating kids with ADHD has a lot of rewards compared to doing nothing at all. Teenagers with this disorder don’t think about consequences as much as the average juvenile. They will be more likely to drive in a deranged way, abuse drugs, and drink too much. Treating kids from a young age (and further on in life) will control this behavior thereafter. “Medicating Children with ADHD Keeps Them Safer” by Susan Pinker states that a research team “[has] 11 years of data for every child enrolled in South Carolina Medicaid who was diagnosed with ADHD,” The researchers tracked down every prescription and doctor visit of over 58,000 students. According to the article, “A child whose disorder is diagnosed and treated early by a trained clinician stands a better chance of …show more content…

A study done with over 710,000 children found that 10-12 year-olds with ADHD were more likely than children without the disorder to get injured. According to “Medicating Children with ADHD Keeps Them Safer” by Pinker Susan, if the children got treated with medication, there would be half as many people in the emergency room with ADHD. “The researchers found fewer and less severe injuries and health problems among the treated children.” says Pinker. Essentially, appropriate medication for kids with the disorder can reduce the amount of trouble a child gets

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