
How Does Anxiety Affect Teens

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Anxiety and Depression in Teens Anxiety and depression have been an ongoing issue for decades, but recently the numbers started increasing and we’re trying to figure out why. I’m sure we all wanna know why kids, teens, and adults are more depressed and anxiety ridden than they were back in 2009, right? Well, I just might have a solution to that question. Society, School, and even a neurological imbalance could very easily be blamed for the rising increase in these disorders. Society has messed this generation and future generations up. We “roast” each other for sport and someone takes it too far. We show off our academic letters to show that we’re better than the people who got one. We’re all seen to be these perfect intellectuals with …show more content…

They think if you don't get A’s and above a 4.0 then you will never be anything good in life. We’re taught these bullshit things that half of us don't understand and the other half don't care enough to know. We’re full of creativity coming into school, but where does it go? From bright and bubbly kids to grey and dull students, where did our creativity and happiness go? Was it the teacher in 7th grade that told you you're opinion was wrong because they didn’t agree with you? Or was it the test you spent all night studying for and only got a 65% on? We strive to be these perfect kids, but we aren’t. Most kids can’t sleep at night because school causes so much anxiety with the tests and constant judging from not only students, but teachers too. Kids get depression from the weight of all of this. They try so hard to do good on a test just to get a low grade and feeling like their best isn’t even enough. It’s not them though. They need to know its not them. They deserve to know that, but what if they don’t understand that? Is that the teachers fault? Students? Staff? Or is it something else? This leads me to my final topic, neurological …show more content…

Sometimes there are people who do good in school and have a good life and still come down with cases of depression and anxiety. This is something wrong with the brain. You could do extensive amounts of therapy and feel nothing different. Medications usually help the flow of dopamine in the brain that produces the feeling of joy and happiness. Vitamin D deficiency can also really affect a person. That brings down moods and dopamine levels too. Not every case of depression starts or comes from an outside force, some just are born with it. I personally think there’s a lot to blame for these increases of depression and anxiety, but we can blame it on one specific thing. We can’t do too much to stop it all together, but if we give kids vitamins and just supplements, ease the stress off of them, and let them know that they are enough, that could do numbers itself. These disorders are spreading, but we can cure

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