Vick Hung
Draft 1
How does carbon compound in a alcohol affect the energy release from the combustion of the alcohol
In Organic Chemistry unit of our Chemistry class, our teacher taught us about the different types of alcohols, and the different characteristics of them. On my own time with personal interest, I learned more about alcohol, and noticed potential in these substance. The presence of alcohol could be found in many places, from food and ingredient in the kitchen, to bio fuel in technologies.
A most commonly used alcohol is ethanol. ethanol has been in our lives for a long time. It is used in cleaning, and is also introduced to industrial usage. Ethanol is also blend into gasoline to reduce air pollution in combustion
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463 - 2778
total enthalpy of reaction 4731
- 5994
propan-1-ol C-C C-H C-O O=O H-O product of reaction H-O C=O bond enthalpy 346 414 358 498 463 463 804
# of bonds 2 7 1 4.5 1 8 6 total bond enthalpy 692
463 - 3704
total enthalpy of reaction 6652
- 8528
butan-1-ol C-C C-H C-O O=O H-O product of reaction H-O C=O bond enthalpy 346 414 358 498 463 463 804
# of bonds 3 9 1 6 1 10 8 total bond enthalpy 1038
463 - 4630
total enthalpy of reaction 8573
- 11062
pentan-1-ol C-C C-H C-O O=O H-O product of reaction H-O C=O bond enthalpy 346 414 358 498 463 463 804
# of bonds 4 11 1 7.5 1 12 10 total bond enthalpy 1384
463 - 5556
total enthalpy of reaction 10494
- 13596
Hexan-1-ol C-C C-H C-O O=O H-O product of reaction H-O C=O bond enthalpy 346 414 358 498 463 463 804
# of bonds 5 13 1 9 1 14 12 total bond enthalpy 1730
463 - 6482
total enthalpy of reaction 12415
- 16130
Compare data from bond enthalpy calculation to Data from PT Data
meth eth prop but pen hex
Bond enthalpy calculation -650 -1263 -1876 -2489 -3102
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although both the lines showed a gradual increase, all the calculated values are lower then those of the Physical and Thermochemical Data except for hexan-1-ol. but
Conclusion overall, the investigation showed a positive correlation between the increase of carbon number in the linear alcohol homologous series, and the increase in enthalpy of combustion, which supports my hypothesis. Thus with the investigation of this experiment, it is to be concluded that, ignoring the cost of production, the more carbon in a alcohol, the more energy is released from the combustion of the molecule with oxygen.
Many combustion reactions involve the burning of organic compounds called hydrocarbons, compounds containing the elements carbon and hydrogen, or other organic compounds. When a hydrocarbon is burned completely, the products of the combustion reaction are usually carbon dioxide and water. Natural gas, propane, and wood all burn to produce carbon dioxide and water as the products.
From the data analysed, a clear trend is seen. As the amount of carbon chains (and consequently molar mass) increases, so does the heat of combustion released. The hypothesis was stated as: “because 1-hexanol has more carbon bonds, it will produce the most amount of heat in the shortest period of time. By following the same reasoning, it is suggested that 1-hexanol will be followed by 1-pentanol and 1-butanol, respectively.” The experimental values show there is a linear relationship between the carbon chains and molecular weight, and the heat of combustion
For instance, pentan-1-ol, the alcohol utilised to synthesis 1-pentyl ethanoate, is relatively flammable due to the hydroxyl functional group attached to the molecule. Therefore, in order to prevent severe burns, a laboratory coat and safety glasses were worn. The experiment was additionally performed whilst standing up, so that if the aliquot of pentan-1-ol ignited,
Focus problem: Investigating the relationship between the relative molecular mass a primary alcohol and the respective enthalpy of combustion for that alcohol.
Calculate the value of the standard free-energy change, ∆G˚, for the combustion of phenol at 25° C.
Generally ethanol is an alcohol found in alcoholic drinks. At 100% concentration, it is pure and a colourless liquid with a strong odour (due to weak Van der Wall forces :D. Ethanol is produced by the fermentation of carbohydrates in yeast cells and is used frequently as a solvent.
If more carbon atoms are added to an alcohol then the boiling point of the alcohol will be higher.
Planning My aim for this experiment is to see the energy produced from different alcohols. This investigation involves burning alcohol in the air. ‘GCSE Chemistry’ by B.Earl and L.D.R Wilford says that "alcohols form, another homologous series, with the general formula Cn H2n+1OH ". The alcohol reacts with the oxygen in the air to form the products water and carbon dioxide.
According to Oxford Dictionaries, alcohol is a colorless volatile flammable liquid that is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel (Fowler, H. W., Fowler, F. G., & Murray, J. A. (1964). The concise Oxford dictionary f
Many people assume alcohol is nothing more than liquor or rubbing alcohol; however, this is not the case. There are many different types of alcohol including some of the alternate fuels we put into our vehicles. Over the course of my working life I have come into contact with many different alcohols, but Isopropyl Alcohol, or 2-propanol, was one of the ones that I encountered the most and I have always wondered exactly what it is. 2-propanol is a very interesting molecule and has a lot of uses for products in many different markets. Because of this, many people come into contact with it and do not even know it. There are many important advances going on with the development of isopropanol that could potentially change our lives. Although, it is important to know and understand the products that you are coming into contact with because some of them might be
In Whiting S. Albert’s article “Alcohol Use Is Harmful” he stated that alcohol is a chemical that contains hydrogen and carbon. Whiting stated further that the active ingredient of alcohol is ethyl alcohol, which is also known as ethanol. Alcohol is one of the few things that human being consume that do not need digestion. Alcohol appears the bloodstream immediately, thus, its intoxicating effects are felt instantly (1). “High levels of mortality, morbidity, and social malaise are associated with abuse of alcohol, and increasing numbers of women and youth are abusing alcohol” (Ferreira and Darryn 1). “Alcohol slows down the function of all living cells, especially those in the brain” (Whiting 1), which causes thinking to be impaired. Alcohol is probably the most used drug worldwide. “Three in ten adults 18 years of age and over have had alcoholism and/or engaged in alcohol abuse at some point in their lives …” (“Impact of Alcoholism” 1). According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Alcohol or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in beer, wine, and liquor. Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches. This fermentation of fruits, grains have been used for thousands of years by humans to make alcoholic drinks and beverages .
The consumption of alcoholic beverages has been present in societies ever since the discovery of how to make these traditional substances. Alcohol has been around for centuries, dating back as far as the Neolithic Era. When people think of alcohol, their minds tend to wander towards the idea that it can only result in negative ways; however, alcohol has been used throughout the centuries in a celebratory manner. Civilizations have praised the making of alcohol because it has aided them in their celebration of the Gods, has helped them relax in times of trouble, and was a beneficial substance to their diets whenever food was scarce. In the United States, it is also used in a celebratory manner at many festivities and presents the public with
As we all know, alcohol is a product that has provided a variety of functions for people in the world. Alcoholic beverages have been consumed by humans in the very early time, they were one of the most popular drink and have been widely used in everywhere of the world. Also they were used medicinally, chemically, physically and so on.
The production and consumption of alcohol occurs in most cultures of the world, from hunter-gatherer peoples to nation-states.[2][3] Alcoholic beverages