
How Does Hpv Affect Women

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HPV, human papillomavirus is a communal infection that is common among adults. It is one of the main sources of sexual transmitted infection. Over 75% of women that are sexually active are most likely to be infected at least once in their life. This virus is known to be a worldwide disease. According to the World Health Organization, the risk of acquiring HPV infection is highest soon after a sexual encounter. Most of these infections are self-limiting and harmless. The virus is harmless because a number of people don’t realize they are infected, because the virus is often subclinical. Persistent infections with oncongenic HPV types can cause cervical cancer in women. Even though, both male and female can be affected by the …show more content…

It is important for men to realize the steps in reducing the risk of HPV infection. Genital cancers are not common in men, but HPV infection can increase a man’s risk of getting it. Over half of men in the United States that are sexually active will acquire HPV at some point of time. Most of the time men will absolve the virus with no help or no health problems. Although the high-risk HPV can be cancerous, signs or symptoms hardly ever show up in women or men. In observation of the low-risk HPV, the warts are the most common symptom. Normally when diagnosing genital warts are visible, vinegar solution is sometimes applied to help identify warts that are not visible. Checking for high-risk HPV strains can be difficult because there is no routine test. It is recommended by a number of doctors that homosexuals or bisexual men have routine anal Pap test. Some doctors disagree with early treatments of warts, because normally warts will go away on its own. There are time different methods that can threat anal cancer, such as radiation, chemotherapy and …show more content…

Boys as young as eleven and twelve years of age through twenty-one are also recommended getting vaccinated. Men that are gay or bi-sexual should get vaccinated through age twenty-six, and men with weakened immune systems or HIV through age twenty-six.
There are other ways to prevent HPV for individuals that are having sexual activity condoms may reduce the chances of acquiring HPV, if used every time one have HPV, also choosing a partner who never had sex or had few partners.
There are protection vaccines that are effective and harmless for most common types of HPV. It is given to male and female in the doses of three for a period of six month. The vaccines works better if given at age eleven or twelve. There are two vaccines available for girls and women, Gardasil and Cervarix. Gardasil and Cervarix protect against genital warts, anal, vaginal, vulvar and cervical cancer. In men and boys Gardasil and Cervarix protects against genital warts and cancer this vaccine is also recommend for gay, bi-sexual, and men with compromised immune system including HIV. There are also other kinds of medication that can be used to treat or remove the wart, which include over-the counter salicylic acid for most common

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