
How Does Islam Affect Australia

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The ability to practice Islam and feel at peace in Australia is significantly impacted upon by the action of more radical elements within the culture and the way this is treated in the media.


The Islamic faith is the second fastest growing religion in the world. Knowing this fact it is clear that Islam is a major religion which would mean that it has spread through all of the world including Australia. Australians haven't taken Muslims too well because of the events that have occurred such as the Sydney siege which resulted in the death of two Australians. This caused major anti-terrorist raids in Australia most Muslims were affected by this in some way shape or form. There have also been many other terrorist attacks performed …show more content…

The media is also a significant impact on assisting this misconception. The media has created a bad name for Muslims making them seem like a religion that evokes terrorism and that if you join it you become part of that life and you're forced to perform terrorist attacks like the Sydney siege. A major group ISIS or ISIL is a huge fact for the fear Australians have about Muslims. With the events, ISIS have stated provoke Australians to be feared of them. Because of this it wears down on the good Muslims in our Australian society completely destroying their lives even though they have no involvement with ISIS or any of the terrorist attacks that have occurred in Australia. Most of the Australians that our destroying Muslims lives have a lack of knowledge about the tourist attacks to ISIS at all and therefore begin to blame them for everything that is happening. According to (Omar Alnatour,12/09/2015,Muslims Are Not Terrorists) A Factual Look at Terrorism and Islam) states that up to 94% of terrorist attacks carried out in the united states from 1980 to 2005 have been by non-Muslims. This means that an American terrorist suspect is over nine times more likely to be a non-Muslim rather than a Muslim. Yet the media still shows Muslims to be terrorist even after this fact is presented. According to (Omar Alnatour,12/09/2015,Muslims Are Not Terrorists), there have been over one thousand terrorist attacks in Europe in the past 5 years. And less that 2% of those attacks have been associated with Muslims. Even though this isn't directly related to Australia. This evidence provided isn't enough to convince Australians that there, not terrorists and are just trying to practice their religion

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