
How Effective And Ineffective Are Services

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How Effective/ Ineffective are Services
There will always be a question of effectiveness versus ineffectiveness of any program. In the matter of child welfare that will always be a question. There is increasing emphasis on the importance of child welfare outcomes, such safety, permanency, and well-being. The Child and Family Service Reviews showed that children who have been victims of child maltreatment before are 96% more likely to experience a recurrence that those who were not (US DHHS, 2008). The highest risk period for recurrence was 30 to 60 days following the initial CPS referral, and decreased over time. Recurrence was more common while a CPS was still opened. The Department of Children’s Services …show more content…

These two chart files review studies of 148 cases discovered that SBC can be implemented across cases differing in certain variables. Implementation was greatest when teams of child welfare supervisors and workers were trained together. Results showed that workers were more engaged in case planning and service acquisition for families when Solution-Based Casework was implemented. These workers were more likely to contact referents directly and attend initial sessions with their clients in order to develop collaborative service plans. Families were more compliant with requirements backed by higher rates of completion of goals assigned by caseworkers. These families achieved more goals than families the Solution-Based Casework was not use on. Another variable that impacted success with the Solution-Based Casework model was the history families had with child welfare. According to Antle, et al. these families achieved more goals than those who were not previously involved with the system. If families had prior cases that were already worked, then they had made progress in parenting. This progress and exiting the system could be viewed as a strength, and a period of time the family exhibited no problems. The model requires case workers to indentify strengths and remain involved with direct contact with

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