
How Is Mr Frank Different From Other People

Decent Essays

Recently in class we started a book about a young Jewish girl called Anne who tells her life story as she goes into hiding during WWII. In this book there are many characters that have different ways of living and thinking. Many of them have unique opinions and behave diversely in different situation. Some keep hope, others are pessimists but all of them have to work together to survive. In some of her daily entries Anne tells us how all other the people in the Secret Annexe act and by reading them you can see how different some of the characters are from each other. Two characters who are complete opposites, Mr. Frank and Mr. Van Daan, respond differently when it comes to facing moment of fear, shortages and behaviors with others. Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Frank act differently when they have to face moments of fear. When it comes to a situation that makes all of the Secret Annexe inhabitants fearful and anxious, Mr. Frank acts calmly and tries to take control of the situation and always tries to appear as optimistic as he can possibly can. On the other hand Mr. …show more content…

Mr. Van Daan is mean to his wife and his kid; he is constantly fighting with his wife and mistreating his child. He is self- centered and thinks that he should come first and that he only matters and not the other people. He is impulsive and gets mad when he is bothered. On the other hand Mr. Frank is a nice man who cares about others and is willing to put others in front of him when in danger. He is well respected by the other people in the Annexe while Mr. Van Daan is not. He loves his family and is considerate about everything. Many people in the Annexe prefer to talk to Mr. Frank than to Mr. Van Daan about their problems because they know that Mr. Frank will listen to what they have to say and understand them while Mr. Van Daan will ignore them and tell them to go away because he only cares about himself and not about

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