
How Is Technology Hindering Society

Decent Essays

Technology Essay Have you ever thought of screen addiction as a disease well people all around the world are finally realizing that technology is rotting the brain. Technology all around the world is hurting our society. Kids are getting so addicted that they are not even taking breaks to eat, sleep, or even use the bathroom. Also there is lots of cybercrime. People all around the world are getting there money, social security number, and their address stole. People who buy any cheap face cams can be found online and you can see them through their face came through the internet, I wouldn’t want other people watching my every move. This is why technology is hindering society. My first reason to why technology hinders society is scams. Mr.Bernhardt …show more content…

But the requests for money didn’t stop. By January, Mr.Bernhardt had wired an additional $1,310 in cash, or about a third of social security checks over three months. Equifax acknowledged a relatively small number of passport images and information were stolen as part of last year’s security breach, despite previously denying such a thing occurred. New York Post says “Equifax originally disclosed the breach back in September, but subsequent disclosures from the company show that more information had been stolen than originally reported. Originally Equifax said 145.5 million Americans were impacted, and earlier this year added an additional 2.4 million Americans to the list who had some non-identifying information stolen, bringing the total to 147.9 million.” 146.6 million Date of births were stolen, 145.5 million social security numbers were stolen, 20.3 million phone numbers were stolen, and 99 million address information were …show more content…

The tragic effects on teenagers who become hooked on video games, playing for dozens of hours at a time often without breaks to eat, sleep or even use the bathroom. Many come to view the real world as fake. Chinese doctors consider this phenomenon a clinical disorder and have established rehabilitation centers where afflicted youngsters are confined for months of sometimes draconian therapy, completely isolated from all media, the effectiveness of which remains to be demonstrated. Strong research has been coming in over the last several years, suggesting that looking at screens for hours a day can have some serious health and mental health consequences. Even some of the developers of these products have admitted guilt about their creations, and confessed that they don’t even let their kids use them. Time spent on screens is linked to not-so-great shifts in brain connectivity, while reading is linked to more beneficial changes. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, had families rate how much time their kids spent on screens and how much time they spent reading actual books. The children’s brains were scanned, to assess how regions involved in language were connected, and it turned out that screen time was linked to poorer connectivity in areas that govern language and cognitive control. Reading, on the other hand, was linked to better connectivity in these regions. Teens who spent more time on screens in

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