When we look back on Jesus’ life, we can see how his life affected ours. Jesus was the Messiah. He was sent by God to do great things. Not only did he save people, but also he sacrificed himself to for everyone’s sins. I have learned many things about Jesus in Christian Worldview and even more when reading about his life and biblical principles. We can learn how Jesus was important through Messianic Prophecies, Jesus’ Teachings, and His Miracles. We can learn how Jesus was important through Messianic Prophecies. A prophecy that stands out comes from Isaiah 9. It says that, “The people who walk in darkness will see a great light.” It also says that, “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah prophesied that Jesus, the child born would become their deliverer, the Messiah. In a time of great darkness, God promised to send a light to shine on everyone living a life full of sin. It turns out that this message came to be true, with the birth of Christ, he came to deliver. Another prophecy that is important is the one in Isaiah 53 that talks about Jesus’ sacrifice for us. In verses 1-3, it talks about how Jesus was treated like an ordinary man. He had no outward beauty or majesty, and he was “despised and rejected.” Then, in verse 7, it says that he was “led like a lamb to the slaughter.” In the Old Testament, people often gave
Jesus is known by many titles, perhaps most importantly the Savior of the world. Jesus Christ was sent to this earth to pay the price for all of humanities’ sins. According to Merrick, (2015). Scriptures primarily focus on His ministry as an adult however, there is an account of Jesus reading scriptures in the synagogue. Jesus was also known as the Messiah, or anointed one. This title gives further explanation to His divinity and supreme rule. Jesus was also known to be both man and God. This truth is significant because as (Merrick, 2015a) states “one beholds what all human life should look like.” (Section The Image of the Invisible God, para. 1). Bowen, (2014) gave a great explanation of Jesus when he said “This Jesus holds together the atoms in our bodies, keeps the laws of physics constant. Those individuals who believe the earth’s existence and beginning is a scientific occurrence can learn a bit more about the role Jesus played in the
Who is this man Jesus? Where was he from? What did he do for others and us? A great source of reference to answer this question would be someone who had direct contact with him in everyday life. Someone who saw the daily wonders he created would be the best source for information. Matthew, the apostle, is believed to have written the gospel of Matthew. He was able to experience firsthand all of the amazing miracles that Jesus performed. God inspired his words, and his gospel relates to the other three gospels in overall context. They were written in different formats and styles, but the overall message and story remains constant throughout all four gospels. This creates a strong
Jesus was the son of God, who was created by God and the second person within the trinity. God is viewed as the father, the son, and the holy spirit, according to the Christian worldview. Jesus was created from God planting a seed in Virgin Mary. Jesus was thus born to spread the word about God and all the gospel. Jesus lived a life as a human as all of us do now. He experienced a lot of things we as human’s experience. Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins where he died on the cross. Jesus is important to the Christian worldview because he is the ultimate reason we are who we are today. “God is both holy and just, so although he created humanity to be immortal, he could not accept them into his holy kingdom in their sinful state (Lecture 5). After Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross, this served as redemption and it was then that god allowed them into the
Jesus’ true identity is that he is known as the Messiah he is the main voice that’s being express on Christian faith He is the one who died on the cross to take the punishment that we all deserved and then he rose again from the dead. Jesus’ identity and work signified the Christian worldview because he is the main focus that Christianity has their eyes on he teaches us to follow him but to be sure we encounter the ones that need the most help by spreading the word of God so that everyone knows he is and what he can
Jesus: What is Jesus' true identity? What did Jesus do? Why is Jesus' identity and work significant for the Christian worldview?
Moreover, he was crucified because of pardoning our sin. I know this stories about Jesus, but, at that time, Jesus existentially came to me as the incarnation. I realized that Jesus Christ is my lord but also sincere friend as he came down to Zacchaeus in the plan of God. This is my experience of and understanding God and God’s love.
It is possible to write on the life of Jesus from the information gathered from the bible. I will be dividing my essay into three parts. In the first part of the paper, I will talk about the nature of the gospels, John’s views vs. the Synoptic, discuss if the authors of the gospels are eyewitnesses and how they used written sources. Also I will talk about the Q source. Then I will elaborate on the topic of how Matthew and Luke were similar. Then I will continue on by discussing how the Old Testament uses Moses, Samuel and Elijah to interpret Jesus, and finally whether or not the Sermon on the Mount happened. In the second part of my paper, I will talk about Jesus’s birth and childhood, his miracles, his resurrection, and what Jesus did to cure people, spirits and how they are interpreted to the prophet, magician and the mad man compared to Saul and Elijah. The final part of the paper I will talk about what Jesus talked about as regards to the Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of the Romans and what he intended by speaking of the end of the world. I will also speak of the reasons behind the Romans executing him. My sources for this paper will be the New Jerusalem Bible Readers edition as my primary source and lecture notes from Professor Trumbach.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus lived a humble life, spreading the word of the Lord, and died by crucifixion for the sins of all of humanity. “Jesus is referred to as Savior.
The name Jesus Christ spawns multiple feelings throughout cultures. Jesus Christ is also a name that has impacted everyone in a monumental way and is impacting all aspects of society. No matter how you feel about Jesus Christ, it is insurmountable to deny the fact that he is not an impactful figure in the world we live in today. The question that is frequently asked about this ponderous figure is “who is Jesus”. This question does not hold only one individual answer, but withholds multiple answers. Depending on the culture, country, time, place, and especially who you ask, you will receive answers that all hold uniqueness. In less of an opinionated stance, the Holy Bible holds the answer to who exactly he is and why is such a conspicuous figure. To understand Jesus Christ and formulate an opinion on him, we must interpret the Holy Bible and construe his impact in not only today’s society, but history. There is no denying that the upbringing of a religious figure has caused mountainous affects in history; both positively and negatively. The destruction and saving of man has inevitably been a result of multiple religions throughout the world. Whether you fathom a mindset of acceptance or denial, Jesus Christ is one of the world’s most notable figures.
Personally Jesus is many things to me and means many things to me. First and for most he is gods son and is the best example of who God is and calls us to be, he was blameless and pure; to put it simpler, he was perfect. His time of teaching on earth was short but was not short of being a huge impact. Through teaching, praying and leading, Jesus was purely god in the flesh, a man with the same temptations and longings that we as humans have. There are many questions that are hard to answer about what Jesus meant by this or why he did that, but what he desires is a heart that is open to his use and a heart that seeks after in everything that we do.
He stirred many hearts and as a result had many followers, which angered the Romans and they began to think of something that would get rid of Him. Soon, a faithful group of people started following Jesus around and called him teacher, which were His disciples. Jesus taught them the will of God and helped them see that humankind is bound to experience pain and suffering as a result of their sin. And that He came to relieve them of their sins by being crucified on the cross so that whoever would believe in Him will have everlasting life.
Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity, the only way of salvation and the second person of the Trinity. (Funk & Wagnalls, 2015) The Gospels Matthew and Luke introduce the birth and childhood of God’s one and only Son, Jesus. His story began when the Angel Gabriel visited His virgin mother, announcing that she would give birth to a son, and that she was to call Him Jesus, for He would be called the Son of God. (Luke 1:30-35) The incarnation of the Messiah, was the Word
To start off, I will say a very simple fact, Jesus is everything and everyone. Jesus is all that is around us. When I say this I mean that Jesus is the reason we are where we are, He made everything possible for us and we don’t understand that. Jesus is a symbol of strength, Saving grace, human weakness, hope, life, love, understanding, knowledge, wisdom and almost any other intangible definition of humanity that we could think of. The reason I say this is because Jesus of scripture was everything good in the world and also he highlighted humanity as we are. Jesus in scripture is shown in every situation and can be applied to our world as a symbol. He is in all that is good and also in any situation that is bad. I don’t mean bad as in he is the creator of evil because that would be a complete religious contradiction. I mean that Jesus is the hope in any bad situation. He is what makes evil turn out good. Jesus makes anything bad become understandable through all that He means.
Jesus—perhaps the most discoursed name in history. He has transformed and influenced many lives including mine. To some people, He was a prophet. To others He is a mere legend. To me, he is a father and a friend, but most of all, He is my Lord and Savior through justification, sanctification, and redemption.
1. In the Gospel of Mark, there are many important features that define Jesus. One point to make notice is his caring character. There are multiple instances where Jesus feeds an abundant amount of people. He was thankful that people were there to see him, so he did not want them to go home hungry. With seven loaves of bread and a few fish, Jesus fed four thousand people. He also did this again with 5 loaves and 2 fish, and he was able to feed five thousand people because he was compassionate towards them. These situations show that Jesus cared for his people and did not want them to suffer.