
How Media Affects Our Opinions On Gender And Gender

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As far as advocacy goes, there is such a wide variety of topics that one can support and promote and many are dear to my heart, however when choosing a topic we felt would relate to the majority of college students, our target audience, uber specific topics would not reach this goal. While not all college students have similar opinions and backgrounds, one thing nearly all people our age gave in common is their use of social media and their exposure to advertisements of all kind. Most young adults are surrounded by media sources at all times, ranging from their cell phones which are typically with them 24/7, to the ads seen in magazines and television commercials. The portrayal of gender in media is something that all people are influenced by, whether they know it or not, and bringing some attention to the issues associated with this portrayal is important to shed light on messages that we are exposed to every day of our lives and the way that media can alter our opinions on gender and the gender binary in many different ways. Specifically for me, this topic has always been important. Growing up as a major tomboy, every time I saw an ad from major stores showing little girls surrounded by pink and Barbie dolls, while the boys in the ads were playing with objects I was interested in, like soccer balls and spy equipment I would get upset because I didn’t understand the point in separating them. Just because of the role these advertisements had on me, during my childhood I

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