
How Presidents Communicate And Which Types Of Communication Be An Important Part Of Any Presidency?

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How a president chooses to communicate has always been an important part of any presidency; however, as it is ever changing and evolving with the times and technology, it has also become more complex and more imperative to communicate well and be successful. In order to do this, one must first understand the nature of how presidents communicate and which types of communication have worked in the past in order to ascertain what will be useful in the future. Strong communication is important for a President because it allows him to accomplish the goals of devoting news coverage to specific policy areas, direct news outlets to political allies for references and sources – keeping their opposition out of the news, and to steer attention …show more content…

One example of this is President Bill Clinton, who failed to accomplish the goals and ended up with hostile media that portrayed him as vain and extravagant (Jacobs 2010). This hostile media caused him significant difficulties as he tried to get his policies through Congress and into law. Before technologies such as radios and televisions became popular, presidents would have to make use of newspapers, in-person appearances, speeches, and word of mouth in order to communicate with the public. This type of communication, though more personal, is very time consuming and is difficult to reach large audiences without significant coordination in order to get any real benefits from it. However, even with advancements in communication such as radios, television, and the internet that have been achieved through the years, many presidents and political candidates will still engage in these types of communications in order to give the appearance of individual and personal attention to those that use it. Once technology began to advance it became apparent that these popular new inventions could be used to help the president in his quest to persuade others to take his side and to push his agenda further (Kumar (2) 2008). The first of these major inventions was the radio. The radio was first used for political reasons in the 1906 midterm

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