
Empire Of Illusion Chris Hedges Analysis

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In the excerpt from Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, he argues that “the most essential skill” in political leaders is artifice. This means that a political leader’s connection with their citizens is fake and created purely with propaganda. The issue at hand is that too many political leaders are using artifice and are deceiving all of their citizens and are then able to lead as they want and not as their citizens wish. The most essential skill for a political leader should be a balance of skills and not just one skill; Integrity, being honorable, being a good communicator should all be skills (and more) a politician should have to be a great ruler. Being an honorable person should be mandatory for every politician instead of having to be a natural born citizen. This would improve the connections between the citizens and politicians, therefore making them a great ruler. Barack Obama in his 2008 term was honorable and helped many people out and therefore was able to serve a second term. You may have a great plan, but if your citizens don’t trust you, you will …show more content…

“Good communication” means appreciating differences in point of view, and gain knowledge from each difference, to later use it to make decisions that would be fairer. Good communication also In the excerpt from Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, he argues that “the most essential skill” in political leaders is artifice. This means that a political leader’s connection with their citizens is fake and created purely with propaganda. The issue at hand is that too many political leaders are using artifice and are deceiving all of their citizens and are then able to lead as they want and not as their citizens wish. The most essential skill for a political leader should be a balance of skills and not just one skill; Integrity, being honorable, being a good communicator should all be skills (and more) a politician should have to be a great

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