
How Technology Is An Instructional Format Used For Teaching Adolescences With Developmental Disabilities

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Chapter 1… Introduction

Chapter 2… Literature Review

A. Using video modeling to teach adolescences with developmental disabilities new tasks

Chapter 3… Methods Section

A. Introduction
B. Inclusion Criteria
C. Exclusion Criteria
D. Ethical Implications
E. Procedure

Chapter 4…Results

Chapter 5…Discussion


Using Video Modeling to Teach Individuals with Developmental Disabilities New Tasks

Katelyn Mansfield
PSY 5201 Integrative Research Project
Capella University

Chapter 1

The importance of this study is to show how technology can be an instructional format used for teaching adolescences with developmental disabilities. This proposed …show more content…

For adolescences with autism, teachers and therapist have used DTT to successfully teach new forms of behavior, advance individual’s skills and manage disruptive behaviors. In spite of this, with the prevalence of technology on the rise, many special education classrooms are now enriched with technological devices, such as iPad’s, to teach individual’s new tasks. With rapid technological advances, there has been a recent paradigm shift towards the use of technology in classrooms (Murray & Olcese, 2011) and in educating individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Kagohara et al., 2012a, Kagohara et al., 2012b, Ramdoss et al., 2012a and Ramdoss et al., 2012b). Certain classical teaching methods or techniques that included trips to the blackboard and printed worksheets soon became obsolete and new technology began to play an active role in how teachers planned to teach their students as well as how students began to learn (Morrison, 2013). Another form of instructional format that has become obsolete due to the use of video modeling via the iPad is in-vivo modeling. In vivo-modeling provides a live model to teach the skill in the environment in which the skill is typically performed and guides the participant to match the model using verbal and gestural prompts if necessary (Gena, et al., 2005). Though this strategy is effective for individuals with developmental disabilities, it is difficult to employ in regards of

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