
How To Describe A Truck Essay

Decent Essays

Now that I am sixteen and can drive, my truck has become big part of my life. It is what takes me back and forth to places that I need and want to go such as school, work, and friends’ houses. From the inside to the outside, it is something that I can call mine and cherish for as long as it runs. In this essay, I plan to focus on the inside; this includes the floor, the seats, the radio, and the contents of the cab. The floor is dark gray and is textured with small bumps. Even though this is where people put their feet, it is still clean. The floor mats and the constant efforts put into cleaning the truck protect the textured vinyl flooring from getting dirty. The vinyl material that makes up the floor, unlike the carpet material found in …show more content…

These are things that did not come with it, but were put in there by me. The first thing that you would see while looking at the interior of my truck are the two fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror of the front dash. Even though it is a cliche, It is something that I have always liked to see them in vehicles. There is also a large stuffed dog buckled up in the middle seat of the back row. It was given to me by my girlfriend and I could not think of a better place to put it than where I spend a lot of my time. In the vehicle, I also have a small car trash can that hangs on the back of my passenger seat. This helps with the efforts made to keep my truck clean. In addition to the fuzzy dice, the stuffed dog, and the trash can, I also have some emergency items in my truck. I have a first aid kit that I keep emergency supplies in along with twenty dollars that I keep in their for emergencies. Also I keep a hat in my truck at all times. Incase a cowlick develops throughout the day or I’m just having a bad hair day, I can use the hat to cover it. Most of the time I also have other items inside my truck such as my bookbag and a change of clothes for tennis practice, but these are the ones that alway stay their for the most

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