
How To Improve My Writing

Decent Essays

By achieving my set goals, my mind feels more ebullient. Achieving goal is the most satisfying thing for me to do. Being able to check off something i’ve been wanting to accomplish is refreshing,yet not always easy . SInce English is one of my favorite subjects, I always like to improve. Restarting and improving, the new year has arrived, which is the perfect opportunity to start fresh. First, I would like to improve my reading by better analyzing my texts. During Semester Exams, I struggled most with connecting with the story which led to not being able to write about it. Meeting this goal will be important because it will help me better understand what I am reading. This will allow me to be able to better visualize the story in my head. In …show more content…

Equally important, I would like to improve on my commentaries of my writing. Commentaries help explain your topic. Having a better commentaries betters my reading, making the reader want to read on. Meeting this goal would be important because it will benefit me throughout papers I will have to write in the future. My paper will be more interesting and will get me a better grade. These goals will not only in highschool, but this will also help with a job i wish to encounter as a career. I’ve always thought I was a good writer, but having a better commentary will help make my papers more convincing. Above all, I would like to work on having a better, positive mindset as my personal goal. I have been working on this ever since I learned how having a positive mindset can benefit you. This will be important so not only am I happier, but the people around me are happy too. I’ve learned by many studies that having a positive mindset leads to better experiences. If you keep thinking negatively, negative things will happen to you. Highschool comes with lots of stress, anger, and drama. Having a better mindset will help me realize that those problems at the moment aren’t the end of the

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