
How To Promote Effective Communication

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Effective communication is the communication easy to understand quickly. Creating positive relationships is beneficial to everyone involved. Using effective communication techniques such as: talking directly to the person, using understandable language, showing positive body language, caring and friendly behaviour, setting clear and realistic boundaries, attentive listening and showing respect and being open minded towards possible replies, leads to better relationships, builds trust, self- confidence and ability to interact with others. It also works the other way. It is important to build positive relationships as it promotes better communication as generally people communicate easier with those they trust and have positive past interactions. …show more content…

First of all the effective communication techniques should be used. Both sides should be talked to and listened to carefully and with attention and most important issues being pointed out and made sure they are not misinterpreted by asking to repeat the information back. It is equally important regardless of the age or background of the person we are communicating with, and should be done with respect and courtesy. Adults can repeat what they understood from children as well to give the child a chance to explain what they mean better. It is good to take note of personal information about people we are building relationship with or things important to them. Everyone likes to be recognised, feel important and remembered and to be shown that they are accepted and enjoyed as a company. It also helps to engage to the person we are communicating with, understand their way of thinking, needs and mood. Being understanding and considerate gives the other side possibility to act and response in equally considerate way. Maintaining a good sense of humour may also help to relax in a stressful situation and see the brighter side of an issue. When building a relationship with a child we need to make sure the child understands we are their carers; when dealing with young adults we need to make them feel understood and accepted; when communicating with adults it is also important

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