
How To Write A Narrative Report On Port60

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The astrobiology and astrogeographrapy crews aboard Port60 orbiting Earth had recently been established and our mission was to work along side Alien Ports established in the system to continue our human efforts to understand origins of life from bacteria through lizard in our solar system and trace lineage from several foreign microbes found on asteroids throughout the system and galaxy. Port60 was designed to be studying one specific specimen of interest abducted from an asteroid surrounding Neptune in the rings. I'm John, and I helped to discover, harvest, and study some of the most promising bacteria specimens found recently. Although I cannot accept all the credit for the research, it was the entire crew's effort. For the first 5 years after I'd gotten my laboratory certificate, I'd done what most graduate scientists did, which was world for themselves in what was usually a home-based lab. I was educated in Center City and relocated to Arizona State City a few years after I'd began my home laboratory. It wasn't difficult to become respected in any field while living in Center city, any accomplishment seemed to be granted an award of some kind, and I felt that my work on in-rock bacteria was prematurely awarded after a new species discovery before I was 30 years old. Almost every independent scientist had won an award for a new discovery, idea, …show more content…

I'd seen one acting as receptionist at one of the retail centers I'd visited. I was intimidated still at their size and scales and teeth. I couldn't compose myself around her, I was jittery and probably acted embarrassed. I smiled and waved and then left with some information leaflets on available

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