
How To Write An Argumentative Essay On Abortion Legal

Decent Essays

Madeline Rice
Current Event #4

A new controversial law has been passed to ban abortion at 6 weeks gestation in Ohio. Currently, at this moment in time, abortions are in fact allowed beyond six weeks. So why has the Ohio Legislature passed such a bill? Well, now is a better time than ever to do so, as president elect Trump will be in office in about a month. Mr. Trump being in office could possibly result in the overturning of Roe v. Wade- the court case making abortion legal. Many states are currently implementing laws making abortion legal up until the fetus is viable outside of the womb: roughly 24 weeks. Bills prior to the Ohio bill have been denied due to the current standing on abortion. However, some states have wiggled their way …show more content…

Wade. This made abortion legal, and the fact it was illegal was deemed unconstitutional. However, this has not stopped federal appellate courts from attempting to overturn the Supreme Court ruling. Now that Ohio has blatantly placed a very extreme restriction on abortion, it has left many people wondering if this in fact is an event foreshadowing the future of abortion. It is known that Mr. Trump may attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade, however this would be a violation of one’s right to privacy. A person is guaranteed a private life free from government intrusion. Telling a woman she in fact cannot have an abortion even though the fetus is not deemed viable is in fact a violation of privacy. Roe v. Wade protects abortion as a right to privacy. The right to privacy was first established through a court case: Griswold v. Connecticut. This particular form of right to privacy is located in the fourteenth amendment. However, the right to privacy is also included in a handful of other amendments such as the fourth amendment. Overall, this bill in Ohio is in fact a violation of a woman's right to privacy. Whether Mr. Trump is president elect or not, states should not be invoking such strict rules on a woman's right to undergo an

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