
How Useful Are Apple Phones Powerful?

Decent Essays

Apple iPhones are amazing devices make no doubt about it. They are literally a phenomenon that has swept the globe and if you look around on any train carriage it becomes immediately apparent that the best proportion of the population all own them instead of other phones. This is because they are so practical and entertaining, owing much to their constant internet connection and their other functions such as GPS and compass.

The really revolutionary part is the fact that they allow us to download new applications on the fly which other users upload. This has opened up the phone to a wealth of creative new programmes which has made it exponentially more powerful and useful than it otherwise might have been. You can use an iPhone to call people of course, but you can also use it to wake you up in the morning, to convert currency, to locate nearby restaurants, to direct you in the car, to entertain you with games, to watch television, to listen to the radio, to shop online quickly and easily and to manage your finances among many many other things.

However despite all the amazing aspects of these wondrous phones, they do seem to get broken quite often and there are a number of reasons for this. The first reason is the fact that these phones are so useful, thus meaning that we take them out …show more content…

This then means that it can more easily than most phones slip out of your grasp and fall. That then means that on a night out or when getting it out of your pocket in a hurry it is fairly easy to drop and break it. This is not helped by the fact that so many iPhone games involve what is called an 'accelerometer' which means that you have to violently shake and swing the phone in some cases to do well in the games. This then means that the phone can slip out of your hand during such activities resulting in your throwing it a long

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