Scenario 1:
Crisis incident (traffic)
Lack of time management
Scenario 2:
Job content and demands
Job insecurity
Scenario 3:
Harassment from her boss
Economic/work stress
Crisis incident
Harassment from her boss
Crisis incident (traffic)
Job content and demands
Economic/work stress
Job insecurity
Lack of time management
Scenario 1:
Symptom(s) – Headache
This is a psychological symptom
Scenario 2:
Symptoms – Shaking and withdrawal from interpersonal interaction
These are behavioral symptoms
Scenario 3:
Symptoms –
Scenario 1:
Manage your time better
Set priorities
Reframe problems
Scenario 2:
Get social support
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If the team members can control their emotions and stay in charge of the situation they will be able to resolve the conflict. All members should avoid being overemotional
The members should look at what they want and what Rubin wants and start off with what is common to both of them. They should try to get what is fair to both of them even if they have to compromise or give up something.
1.4 Expressing your views and feelings means that you may say what you think and feel, but in a way that does not hurt or offend others. You should always try to express your views and feelings in an acceptable way. You may express your feelings, but avoid imposing or forcing your feelings on them. Listen politely to other people’s viewpoints, don’t interrupt them. When you express your feelings be specific. Describe the feeling in detail. Misunderstandings can be avoided if you express yourself clearly.
Show respect as well as empathy and compassion. Even if he doesn’t agree with them he can show respect and be understanding and polite.
Give appropriate expressions of views and feelings by saying how you feel and what you think, but in a way that does not hurt or offend others. He should express his views and feelings in an acceptable.
Show that you are responsible, accountable and can do your duty. If you make a mistake, you should apologize and say you are responsible for the
opinions or beliefs to express may address a group at any public place and at any time.”
Be sympathetic to the views of others. It may not be your viewpoint but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
An organization with weak management often develops problems or conflicts that cannot be resolve on time, and this allow some of the employees to view their mangers as incompetent, and this might result in lack of respect of the organization management. In this case study, there are some existing problems in the organization that were
Roberts states, “Decide what you want to say and say it as vigorously as possible, without apology and in plain words” (Roberts 231). This quote was extremely refreshing and eye opening. At this point in my life, going to college at a large university in a different state, I should not have to worry about offending someone who I used to know. There’s no reason for not telling it like it is. Everyone should be able to have their own opinions, and to avoid sharing them in writing makes a writer sound weak.
For example, I am against same sex marriage. I do not judge people that are for it, but I do not condone what they are doing. I have no problem with having a conversation with anybody no matter how they swing, but I also have no problem telling them, if I’m asked, I do not condone it. I always try to be respectful. I will give them my reason why I’m against same sex marriage and still tell them I respect it is their decision, and I will honor that. In
We want people to understand why we feel the way we do. We often think that if they don’t agree then they must not understand. There is no need, in my opinion, to go to such extremes just to make our points. There is no reason to criticize those who have different outlooks or belief systems. I don’t agree with a lot of the things that go on around me. In fact, I’m not sure that I have completely agreed with any president, of this great country, since I was old enough to have an opinion. I have learned recently, however, that the manner in how we express our views is often times just as important as our views
kind, but ultimately he might leave you if you still have underlying beliefs that you
Some people may think little about words and their power and that they could possibly mean nothing as long as they don’t hurt them in any shape or form. Others make a big deal out of what is said to them and whether it has a positive effect on them. Due to the freedom of speech, one's words cannot be taken away from them granting them the power to state their opinions and thoughts. Words have the power to inspire people in both positive and negative ways depending on the tone of voice, what is spoken, by whom, and the social atmosphere of that time.
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances. Stress is divided into two major categories, eustress and distress. Eustress is good stress and something that is perceived as enjoyable. While distress is a feeling perceived situational demands exceed one’s coping capabilities. “Some of the causes of stress include a loss in the family, school and tests, work, and what goes on in your family.
“Stand up and face your fears, or they will defeat you,” once said LL Cool J. Unequivocally, this is extremely accurate, and one can name many events that pertain to this topic. Personally, I believe that it is important to speak your beliefs and share your opinions.
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone’s life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people’s daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one’s ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.
Stress is part of our lives. We live with it, deal with it, and above all worry about it. Our way of life, the area in which we live, the economy, and our jobs can cause a great deal of stress. Not everyone deals with the same level of stress and there are several factors that can impact our lives and cause us to have higher or lower stress levels. We can have stress caused by Cataclysmic events which according to Feldman (2009) are events that can affect many people at the same time and are “disasters such as tornado and plane crashes, as well as terrorist attacks”. (p418). Other factors are personal stressors and can be caused by events such as a divorce, death or a loved one or the loss of a job. (Feldman, 2009). The
emphasize on the motive of the act. We should never misuse people even it brings good
will see things from a sensible aspect especially when he has a family he will make sure that all
Stress today can be described as "that which disturbs a person's mental and physical well-being" (Morrison 1). Common symptoms of stress include chronic fatigue, changes in appetite, drug and/or alcohol abuse, difficulty sleeping, body aches, and changes in emotions (Cooper 1-2). And although stress is something that is inevitable, it can be controlled. Just about everything we do today creates stress, both good and bad. In the face paced and technological world we live in, stress management is key to survival as well as sanity.