
Howard Earl Gardner

Decent Essays

9. Howard Earl Gardner was born on July 11, 1943 in Scranton, Pennsylvania and is currently an adjunct professor of psychology at Harvard University. Gardner is a developmental psychologist best-known for this theory of multiple intelligences. He believes that the established notions of intelligence are restrictive and narrow and that by measuring IQ frequently meant missing out on the other "intelligences" that a person could possess. Gardner has identified and described eight distinct kinds of intelligence and suggested the possibility of a ninth type that he has labeled "existential intelligence." in his book Frames of Mind. Education circles as well as in the field of psychology have criticized Gardner's definition of intelligence. His …show more content…

Salman Amin Khan Was born on October 11, 1976 in Metairie, Louisiana, he currently residence in Mountain View, California. In 1998 he graduated from MIT with Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in electrical engineering and computer science. He also has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School. While working as a financial analyst, Khan was using a notepad app to tutor his cousin in mathematics over internet. Other relatives and friends asked for his tutoring as well, so he made a YouTube account moved his tutorials for everyone to access. Because of the popularity of his videos Khan quit his job in late 2009. As of 2017, Khan Academy's videos on YouTube has had over 1.2 billion views and more than 3 million subscribers. Sal Khan has been featured on the cover of Forbes, and recognized as one of Time’s "100 Most Influential People in the World." Khan states that his mission with Khan Academy is to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Salman Khan has been criticized because he does not have a formal background in pedagogy, or teaching. He takes the criticism to heart and works to correct the perceived faults. Critics have posted detailed criticisms of his tutorials, he told Time, says that he is happy for the scrutiny, "It'd piss me off too if I had been teaching for 30 years and suddenly this ex-hedge-fund guy is hailed as the world's

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