
Hrm/531 Week 2 Individual Motivations

Decent Essays

1. What was the Chapter # and name of the Assessment?
The chapter number is sixteen, and the name of the assessment is What Motivates You?
2. What was the purpose of the Assessment?
The questions connect to the feelings I have about my current job, and the results help identify personal motivations.
3. What was your score/result on the Assessment and What does it mean?
Security was my highest-ranking motivation at seven, social was close at 6.5, self-actualization was 6, esteem was 5.6 and autonomy was 5.25. My strongest motivations are security and relationships.
4. What did you learn about yourself from the Assessment? (What were your major strengths and weaknesses? How do you react to these results? How can you build on strengths and minimize or eliminate weaknesses?)
I have not developed in leadership skills as much as I could have, partly because I have not felt secure enough to learn while struggling and failing through things. Question Five asked about feeling of security in a job, and in order to explore and …show more content…

The intrinsic reward of knowing that my hard work is making a difference with the kids matters to me. The affirmation by parents and the recognition of my employers has increased my self-esteem. Working this job, while going to Montevallo, is helping me to think more about the importance of motivation to workers that I may manage one day. Going back to Locke again, feedback that is constant during the process of work matters. I have had the negative experience of not ever hearing a word from management in retail work, the explanation was that if you never hear anything, it is good news. No, it is not, it leaves you wondering where you stand. My success as a manager will be increased, and all will benefit from me being a manager that communicates and connects through words of encouragement, as well as specific paths towards getting

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