
HCS 325 Week 4 Motivational Methods Pap

Better Essays

Team C
Carolynn Anderton
Rebecca Meza
Virginia Bennett
Jamie Kerns
Sandi Cerutti
Linda Benavides
Instructor: Jeff Dobbs
University of Phoenix

Motivation in the workplace is very crucial for businesses and people. For most healthcare managers they have a lot of stress on them daily. As manager they provide leadership, guidance, and skills to their employees. Making sure the workplace operates correctly not only for the success as a team but also for the public. There are different ways motivations can affect us in a behavior standpoint. Quoted “Based on psychological and neurobiological theories of core affective experience, we identify a set of direct and indirect paths through which affective …show more content…

Rather, Equity, and the sense of fairness which commonly underpins motivation, is dependent on the comparison a person makes between his or her reward/investment ratio with the ratio enjoyed (or suffered) by others considered to be in a similar situation”(Balancing Employee Inputs and Outputs).
Behavioral Management Theory is the understanding and response of employee needs to enforce motivation. This theory guides management in a better understanding of the human aspect. It involves management to treat employees as important resources in the workforce. The goal is to raise productivity and to do this by motivating employees. Motivating employees can involve incentives like employee bonuses, promotions, and the collection and redeeming of points for rewards. As the management takes interest in employees, it makes them feel like an important part of the puzzle, and in turn motivates employees to work harder. Like in most cases, if the employees are satisfied and working conditions are good, productivity raises automatically. A theorist by the name of Mayo Hawthorne devised an experiment that allowed a group of telephone line workers to be separated and observed in a private room. The controlled group of employees increased greatly in productivity. This brought the human relations movement that involved management spending time, showing interest, and rewarding employees to increase productivity. Employees felt management was

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