
Human Morality And The Difference Between Right And Wrong

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The idea behind human morality and the difference between right and wrong has been explored in various situations all throughout history. Celia, A Slave, a book by Melton A. McLaurin was one example of this exploration. This book tells a true story about the life of a slave and what legal rights she held in 1855 Missouri, along with other slaves in similar situations. Slave women lacked many basic rights simply because they were viewed as property. Female slaves did have few rights, but these rights were hollow promises given by legislature to keep anti-slavery protestors from having a reason to lead a rebellion. Due to the economic gain slaveholders had over other farmers who did not use slaves to tend their crops people suppressed their moral judgements and did what was best for the economy instead of fulfilling the need for human righteousness. Slave women could be bought for many reasons by a slave owner. In many situations they are bought to tend the fields with the other slaves, or tend to the household duties. Celia however, the slave in McLaurin’s book, was not bought for any of these reasons. As Celia did help in the kitchen of her master’s home, that was not the reason Newsom bought her. Celia was bought as a concubine. Newsom bought Celia to rape her at his own will. This brings up a basic right that slave women did not hold, the right to their own bodies. As McLaurin claims in his book, a historian wrote “virtually every known nineteenth-century female slave

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