
Humanism In Agunpakhi

Decent Essays

Ordinarily, Humanism does not believe in destiny or fate that intervenes and determines human affairs. Instead, it always advocates the application of science in human activities and promotes a scientific spirit of free enquiry into religious and ethical questions. In Agunpakhi, the narrator brings out the facts of how prejudices dominate the common life in society and how people helplessly surrender to an imaginary existence of destiny. In Pre-Independent period, People in rural areas of Bengal were too indifferent to the application of science in their day- to-day lives, and accordingly made their lives miserable. The value of a life was unknown to them and death was, no matter of regret as it was a habitual incident in their lives. People were far from the cocept of …show more content…

Kattama, the landlady of the Roy family brings a jewelry box and winks another woman to decorate newly married Agunpakhi with the ornaments. She addresses the narrator as her own daughter-in-law and advises her to look after the new family. The narrator is stunned to see that Kattama(the land lady), in spite of being a Hindu, regards her husband as her son and yet, does not touch her head at least for once to bless her. She is well aware of the fact that after their departure, Kattama will replace her present dress and will wash her body appropriately. Vivekananda used to hate this baseless zombification of Hindu primacy on untouchability than having probity on humanity. To him, God is one and he is the creator of all. He criticized those people who say, ‘Don’t touch me, I am holy’. Simple rural girl Agunpakhi, perhaps, knows nothing about Vivekananda, but her common sense of humanism gets struck at this attitude of the Hindu landlady. Her simple, innocent punch in the narration of the episode can hit any tawdry conservative mind

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